1-6 WFM90D and WFM91D Service ManualTable1- 5: VectormodeCategory Description
Chrominance Processing Nominal
SubcarrierFrequency (FSC)
REF: NTSC: 3.579545 MHz.
PAL:4.43361875 MHz.
Chrominance Processing
Chrominance Bandwidth
REQ: Upper --3dB Point:
FSC +500kHz,100 kHz.
Lower --3dB Point:
FSC --500 kHz,100 kHz.
Chrominance Processing +V Mode
(Applicable to PALoperation only)
REF: +V-typedisplay as select ed by front-panel button. When pushed, V axis is inverted
at a 1/2 line rate to produce a single vector display.
Display VectorPhase
REF: 1.25°. Analog input only.
REF: Measured with color bar signal.
DisplayVector Gain Stability REF: Typically2.5%. Analog input only.
Display Quadrature Phasing REF: Typically0. 5°.Analog input only.
Display Differential Phase REF: 1°. Analog input only.
REF: Measured with 140 IRE (1 V) linearity signal (5 step, 10 step, or Ramp) with 40 IRE
(300mV) of subcarrier.
DisplayDifferential Gain REF: 1%. Analog input only.
REF: Measured with 140 IRE (1 V) linearity signal (5 step, 10 step, or Ramp) with 40 IRE
(300mV) of subcarrier.
SubcarrierRegenerator Pull-In
REQ: NTSC: 50 Hz of FSC.
PAL:10 Hz of FSC.
REF: SubcarrierRegenerator free-runs in absence of appropriate signal. Reference can
beburst of either displayed signal or external reference signal.
SubcarrierRegenerator Pull-In Time REF: Pull-In Time: Within 1 second, with subcarrier frequency within 50 Hz (10 Hz for
SubcarrierRegenerator Phase Shif t
with Subcarrier Frequency Change
REQ: NTSC: 2°from FSC to(FSC +50Hz),orF
SC to(FSC -- 5 0 H z ) .
PAL: 2°fromFSC to (FSC +10Hz),orF
SC to(FSC -- 1 0 H z ) .
SubcarrierRegenerator Phase Shif t
with Burst Amplitude Change
REQ: 2°from nominal burst amplitude to 6 dB.
REF: Internal or External burstreference.
SubcarrierRegenerator Phase Shif t
with VariableGain Control
REQ: 1°as gain is varied from +3 dB to --6dB.
SubcarrierRegenerator Phase
Control Range
REF: 360°continuous rotation.
SubcarrierRegenerator Burst Jit ter REF: 0.5°RMS or less.
REF: With 140 IRE (1 V) composite video input. INT or EXT referenced.