WFM90D and WFM91D ServiceManual 5-1
AdjustmentsThis section containsthe following information:
HSummary adjustment procedure
HList of equipment requiredto perform the procedures
HAdjustment procedures
Summary Adjustment
Table5--1 is a cross-referenceto the adjustment procedure steps.
Table5- 1: Summaryadjustment
Adjustment Pagenumber
ANALOGSECTION: Preliminarysetup 5--5
RasterVCO 5--5
Sweeptiming and horizontal mag registration 5--5
Verticalgain and X5 gain regist ration 5--7
Frequencyresponse 5--7
Vectorquadrature phase 5--9
Vectorgain and X5 gain phase 5--9
Audio gain 5--10
DIGITALSECTION: Preliminarysetup 5--11
Verticalgain 5--11
Frequencyresponse 5--12
Vectorgain and X5 gain phase 5--12
Cable margin 5--13