Functional Overview
2-10 WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
Extraordinaryconditions may cause the WFM90D and WFM91D controls to
become lockedor to respond erratically. To resetthe instrument, first press the
ON button to turn offthe power, then press the ON button again while holding
down the WIP and CONFIG buttons. The instrumentshould return to normal
operation with thekeypad controls and menu selections assigned to the
If this resetdoes not return the instrument to normal operation, contact your
Tektronixfield office or call Tektronix atthe phone number listed on page xii at
the front of this manual.
Side-Panel Connectors and SwitchesThe WFM90Da nd WFM91D side panels are illustratedin Figure 2--7.
VIDEOIN. Passive BNC input, unterminated,75 Ωcompensated for a video
signal. A rear-panelswitch provides an internal 75 Ωsignal termination.
NOTE. A loop-throughconnector can be used by connecting a BNC “T”
connector to theVideo In BNC. Slide the rear panel switch to the HI-Z position.
EXTREF. PassiveBNC input, unterminated, 75 Ωcompensated for an external
sync video signal. A rear-panelswitch provides an internal 75 Ωsignal
VIDEOOUT. ABNC connector used to output the instrument display to a remote
monitor or video switcher.
AUDIOIN. A standard three-pinXLR connector for a single channel of audio
Audioout. A standard stereo mini-headphonejack for the output of the audio
input signal. The mono input signal is heardon both stereo channels. The audio
volume is fixed for each reference level. The larger the displayed signal, the
louder the volume.
DCIN 11- 18V. The DC input connector is a 2 mm plug that accepts a 12 VDC
power input using a negative centerlead.