Using the Menus
2-24 WFM90D and WFM91D Service ManualTable2- 7: Configure menu choices (Cont.)Category FunctionSubmenu
TIME-OUT BACKLT Youcan set the instrument to shut downpower to t he backlight
after 2 minutes or 5 minutes of inactivity.
SHUTDOWN Youcan set the instrument t o powerdown af ter 5 minutes or
10m inutes of inactivity. Only functional when the instrument is
battery powered.
ALARMS Turnsthe alarm on and off f ort he Waveform and Vectordisplay
PRESETS STORE Storesthe current keypad and menu sett ings in memory for future
RECALL Resets the keypad and menu settings to the last settings that
werestored in memory.
PRESETS DEFAULT Resetsthe front panel and menu settings to thei rf actory-set
defaults. Monitoring adjustments such as signal position, vector
phase, and picture hue are also reset. The default settings of the
keypadand m enus arel isted in Table2 --8.
Turnsthe cable report off and on. When cabl e reporti s turned on,
the readout displays >Cable if the cable length is greater than
200M. If the cable is equal to or less than 200 meters, there is no
(WFM90D only; has no effect on the WFM91D).
Turnsthe setup on or off for digit al signals. When setup is on,
7.5 IRE of setup is applied to the input signal.
Specifies the type of input signal the instrument will receive. With
ANALOGsel ected, the monitor operates like an analog-only
monitor.Wi th AUTOselected, t hei nstrument automatically
switches between analog and digital modes based on the input
signal. With DIGITAL selected, the instrument is always in digital
mode. Youmight want t o use this setting if you will frequently
connect anddi sconnect the input signal, so that the instrument
doesn’t switch into analog mode when no signal is detected.