Using the Menus
2-18 WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
Table2- 2: Waveform menu choices, analog and digital
Submenu Digital only Function
GAIN Sets the Waveform display mode vertical gain and the
Vectordisplay mode gain t o X1 orX5.
FILTER Selects FLAT(unfiltered di splay) or LUM (low-pass
filtered for luminance display).
SWEEP Selectssweep rate: 1H (5 s/division), 2H (10 s/divi-
sion),or 2F (two field).
MAG Turnshorizontal gain on or off. When set to on,
additional sweep rates are available:
1H+ M AG (0.5 ms/division), 2H + MAG (1 ms/division),
and2F + M AG (magnified by approximately X20).
COMP SEL nSelects a component of the si gnal for display.You can
also display a composite signal (the digital input signal is
convertedt o analog).
EDHRPRT nEnables ordi sables the EDH reporting readout at the top
centerof the display in Waveform and Vectorm odes.
CRCW TCH nEnablesor disables the CRC reporting readout on the
right side of the display in Waveform and Vector modes.
Press the VECT button and the MENU button to openthe Vector operating
menu. Hold the MENU button in for two secondsto open the digital menu. For
more details on menu access, see page 2 --17.
Vectormenu choices are shown in Table 2--3.The Vector menu treeis shown in
Figure 2--9.
Table2- 3: Vector menu choices, analog and digital
Submenu Digital only Function
GAIN Sets the Vectordispl ay mode gain and the Waveform
display mode vertical gain to X1 or X5.
EDHRPRT nEnable or disable the EDH reporting readout at the top
centerof the display in Waveform and Vectorm odes.
CRCW TCH nCRCWatch. Enable ordi sable the CRC reporting
readouton t he right side of the display in Waveform and