WFM90D and WFM91D ServiceManual vii
General Safety SummaryReview the following safetyprecautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
this product or anyproducts connected to it.
Toavoid potential hazards, us e this productonly as specified.
Only qualified personnel should perform serviceprocedures.
While using this product, you mayneed to access other parts of the system. Read
the General Safety Summary in other system manualsfor warnings and cautions
relatedto operating the system.
Connect andDisconnect Properly. Do not connect or disconnect probes or test
leads while they areconnected to a voltage source.
ObserveAll Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for furtherratings
information beforemaking connections to the product.
Do not apply a potentialto any terminal, including the common terminal, that
exceeds the maximum rating of that terminal.
ReplaceBatt eries Properly.Replace batteries only with the proper type and rating
Recharge Batteries Properly.R echargebatteries for the recommended charge
cycle only.
UsePr oper AC Adapter. Use only the AC adapter specified for this product.
DoNot Operat eW ithoutCover s. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
UsePr oper Fuse. Use only the fuse type and ratingspecified for this product.
AvoidExposed Circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components
when power is present.
DoNot Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect there is damage to this
product, have it inspectedby qualified service personnel.
DoNot Operate inWet/Damp Conditions.
DoNot Operate inan Explosive Atmosphere.
KeepPr oduct Surfaces Clean and Dry.