Scanning Problems
This section describes troubleshooting for using scan data.
Cannot E-mail my scans
Problem Description
I have scanned a document and sent the copy as an
Corrective Action
Check the following points:
yThe correct
yThe equipment is correctly configured for and connected to the network.
yFor the SMTP Client settings, the SMTP server address is correctly set.
yFor the SMTP Client settings, the Port Number is correctly set.
yFor the SMTP Client settings, the settings for SSL and/or authentication are correctly set.
yThe data size of the attached file is smaller than/equal to the maximum data size receivable on the recipient’s side.
For details on the network settings, refer to the TopAccess Guide.
For details on
Cannot find the data saved in the shared folder
Problem Description
I have scanned a document and saved the copy in shared folder of the equipment, but cannot locate the saved file.
Corrective Action
yFor Windows OS, search the network for the equipment using the search function of Explorer. The data are stored in the equipment’s shared folder named “FILE_SHARE.”
yFor Macintosh, make sure that the OS version is Mac OS X 10.3.x or later; a client computer running Mac OS X 10.2.x or earlier cannot access the shared folder on the equipment. If your computer is running Mac OS X 10.3.x or later, search the network for the equipment on Finder and access the folder named “FILE_SHARE.”
yIf you cannot find the equipment on the network, make sure that the SMB Server Protocol setting is enabled on TopAccess.
For details on the network settings, refer to the TopAccess Guide.
For details on storing the scanned image, refer to the Scanning Guide.
64 Scanning Problems