Fax Setup
Chain Dialing for Long Numbers
The maximum number of digits which may be entered when storing a fax number is 20. If you need to store a number which is longer than 20 digits, use Chain Dialing.
Chain Dialing allows you to combine two or more Automatic Dialing numbers, or use an Automatic Dialing number followed by additional digits entered manually with the number keys, to dial a single number. In addition to being convenient for storing long numbers, it allows you to store an area code or access code as an Automatic Dialing number.
For example, to store a 36 digit number for Automatic Dialing, you must break it into two parts:
1.Store the first 20 digits into one Speed Dial number (“01”, for example) using the storing procedure described in the preceding section, and press “1” in Step 10 of that procedure to specify it as a Chain Dialing number (this tells the machine to wait for the remainder of the telephone number when dialing).
2.Store the remaining 16 digits into a separate Speed Dial number (“02”, for example), and this time press “2” in Step 10 of the storing procedure to specify that it is not a Chain Dial number (this tells the machine that the final part of the number has been dialed).
In this way, you specify all parts of the number except the last as a Chain Dial number.
Note: The maximum number of digits that can be dialed at one time by Chain Dialing is 50.