
)⏐Number⏐ [#/NS]
9.29Scale Entry
OPERATION (The department or PLU which scale items are entered must be a
(1)Auto Scale Entry (without tare/tare2, or with tare/tare2
Through Dept : Place the Item on |
| [SCALE] |
| ||
the Scale platter |
Unit Price[Open DEPT] 
[Preset DP]
Through [SCALE]
Preset PLU Code [PLU]
the Scale platter
Through [SCALE]
Price [PRICE] the Scale platter
Auto scale entry using the [EAN] key:
Open PLU Code [PLU]
Place the Item on [SCALE]
Price [PRICE] the Scale platter
Source Code or
Auto scale entry with barcode scanning: (M)
Place the Item on [SCALE]
Price [PRICE]
Barcode Scanning the Scale platter
(2) Manual Scale Entry (It may be prohibited by a program option.)
Net Weight of the item
0.005 to 99.995 (Kg)
0.01to 99.99 (LB) (See NOTE3 below.)
to be continued to the arrows marked with (M) in the above five operation sequences of the Auto Scale Entry.