Protections and Alarms
Over Temperature Protection (OTP)
This feature protects critical components from failure due to temperature stress should a fan fail or the ambient temperature or internal temperature exceed acceptable levels. This module also controls the fans, turning them on when internal temperatures exceed 35°C and increasing fan speed in proportion to increase in temperature. When an OTP event occurs, the Inverter shuts down and the fault flag is set on the front panel and user- line port. Fans maintain operation at maximum speed until internal heat- sink temperatures drop below 70°C at which point the inverter
Short-circuit Protection
The inverter output is
Over-Current protection
The inverter can reliably deliver up to 50 A of peak current without tripping any protections. Two levels of protections are provided. The first level of protection is hardware based, providing peak current clipping at 50 A. Should the current exceed this (e.g. in the event of severe back- feed) the DSP forces the inverter to skip a line cycle. Three consecutive line cycle skips will force a reset of the inverter where the output is temporarily disabled for about 4 seconds or until the
Internal Diagnostics