Local Operation
Using Multiple Supplies
Using Multiple Supplies
There is a shock hazard at the load when using a power supply with a rated or combined output greater than 40 V. To protect personnel against accidental contact with hazardous voltages created by series connection, ensure that the load, including connections, has no live parts which are accessible. Also ensure that the insulation rating of the load wiring and circuitry is greater than or equal to the maximum or combined output voltage of the power supply.
Do not connect power supplies from different manufacturers in parallel or in series.
The remote programming inputs are internally referenced to the supply’s negative output. Do not connect remote programming ground lines
(J2 terminals 3, 5, and 7) to the supply’s positive output.
You can operate power supplies of the SAME MODEL with outputs in series or in parallel to obtain increased load voltage or increased current. Split supply operation gives you two positive outputs or a positive and a negative output.
Note:If your application requires the use of isolated programming inputs, contact the manufacturer about the optional ISOL Interface.
Supplies for
Do not use remote sensing during series operation.
The maximum allowable sum of the output voltages is 600 Vdc.
Use series operation to obtain a single higher voltage output using two or more supplies. Connect the negative
Release 2.1 | 65 |