■Remote sensor REMOTE SEN
Use to activate or deactivate the
Choices: ON, OFF
•Select ON if you want to activate the
•Select OFF if you want to deactivate the signal- receiving capability of the remote control sensor.
We recommend setting this parameter to ON in most cases.
■Wake on RS-232C access WAKE ON 232C
Use to set this unit to transmit data via the
• Select Y set this unit to transmit data via the
• Select N set this unit not to transmit data via the
■Remote control AMP ID REMOTE AMP
Use to set the AMP ID of this unit for remote control recognition (see page 93).
Choices: ID1, ID2
•Select ID1 when the remote control AMP library code is set to 2001.
•Select ID2 when the remote control AMP library code is set to 2002.
You need to set the corresponding remote control code for the remote control.
■Remote control tuner ID REMOTE TUN
Use to set the tuner ID of this unit for remote control recognition (see page 93).
Choices: ID1, ID2
• Select ID1 when the remote control tuner library code is set to 2602.
• Select ID2 when the remote control tuner library code is set to 2603.
You need to set the corresponding remote control code for the remote control.
■Remote control XM ID REMOTE XM
Use to switch the
Choices: ID1, ID2
• Select ID1 when the remote control XM library code is set to 2604.
• Select ID2 when the remote control XM library code is set to 2605.
You need to set the corresponding remote control code for the remote control.
■Fan operation mode FAN MODE
Use to set the operation of the cooling fan of this unit. Choices: AUTO, CONT.
•Select AUTO to set the fan to operate automatically according to the temperature of this unit.
•Select CONT. to set the fan to operate continuously regardless of the temperature of this unit.
Use to activate or deactivate the
Choices: ON, OFF
•Select ON if you want to activate the
•Select OFF if you want to deactivate the
■Video reset V-RESET
Use to initialize the parameter settings for DISPLAY SET in OPTION MENU (see page 83). This feature is useful if the SET MENU items are not displayed on your video monitor due to a technical error between the CMPNT I/P setting and the capability of your video monitor. That is, if your video monitor does not support the analog video signals with 480p of resolution, the SET MENU items may not be displayed on your video monitor when CMPNT I/P is set to ON (see page 83).
Choices: YES, CANCEL
The parameter setting for DIMMER is not initialized (see page 83).