LNK - The Link LED lights up when the link with the local switch is active and flashes when attempting to make a connection.
B1 - The B1 channel connection LED lights up when the B1 channel is established.
B2 - The B2 channel connection LED lights up when the B2 channel is established.
AA- The
CP - Lights when Data Compression is being used over one or more of the B Channels. Compression types are Hi/fn LZS (formerly Stac) for PPP connections, and V.42bis for V.120 or X.75 connections.
DTR - The data terminal ready LED lights up when the DTE or computer connected to the DTE Port indicates that it is ready for communication by raising the corresponding
DSR - The data set ready LED lights up when the modem is ready for communication with the DTE.
RTS - The request to send LED lights up when the DTE has data to be sent to the remote modem. The RTS signal is used in Hardware Handshaking.
CTS - The clear to send LED lights up when the modem is ready to receive data from the remote modem. The CTS signal is used in Hardware Handshaking.
TX - The transmit data LED flashes when the DTE/Computer is transmitting data to the DTE Port.
RX - The receive data LED; lights up when the DTE/Computer is receiving data from the DTE Port.
Phone 1 (omni.net) - The phone 1 LED lights up when the POTS port 1 telephone/handset is
Phone 2 (omni.net) - The phone 2 LED lights up when the POTS port 2 telephone/handset is
8 Installing omni External Models