DeWalt DP3900, GX390, A20832 OPERATION Pressure Adjustments, Spray Wand Nozzles Fig, English

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6. Place the nozzle Spray Wand Nozzles (Fig. 1)Manual background holder (G) onto the Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background panel assembly (F) Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background and push each noz- Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background zle holder into Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual background place.

7.Remove the five colored quick-connect nozzles from the plastic bag and insert them into correct grommet on the nozzle holder. Nozzles are color coded to match colored nozzles on panel assembly.

8. Using a 7/8" wrench, remove


shipping plug from pump by


turning it counterclock-wise.


Discard shipping plug.


NOTE: The high-pressure pump


was filled with oil at the factory.


Always check oil level before using (refer to Maintenance for

more information).


9.Remove dipstick/oil plug (H) from plastic bag and install into pump, tighten securely.

NOTE: The shipping plug must be removed and replaced with the dipstick/oil plug before operating pressure washer.

Manual backgroundWARNING: Risk of bursting. Use a tire pressure gauge to check the tires pressure before each use and while inflating tires; see the tire sidewall for the correct tire pressure.

NOTE: Air tanks, compressors and similar equipment used to inflate tires can fill small tires similar to these very rapidly. Adjust pressure regulator on air supply to no more than the rating of the tire pressure. Add air in small increments and frequently use the tire gauge to prevent over inflation.


Pressure Adjustments

The pressure setting is preset at the factory to achieve optimum pres- sure and cleaning. To lower the pressure, follow these instructions.

1.Back away from the surface to be cleaned. The further away you are, the less the pressure will be on the surface to be cleaned.

2.Change to the 40˚ nozzle (white). This nozzle delivers a less powerful stream of water and a wider spray pattern. Refer to Spray Wand Nozzles.

3.Adjust the pressure regulator on the Manual background

pump. Turn the pressure regulator knob (S)


counterclockwise to lower pressure. Once


you have finished using your pressure wash-


er, return the pressure regulator to its origi-


nal position by turning it clockwise.


CAUTION: Do not try to turn pressure regula-


tor knob past the built-in stop or damage to the


pump will result.


Spray Wand Nozzles (Fig. 1)

The nozzles for the spray wand are stored in the nozzle holder (G) on the panel assembly (F). Colors on the panel identify nozzle location and spray pattern. Refer to the following chart to choose the correct nozzle for the job to be performed.

Nozzle Color


Spray Pattern











metal or





pinpoint for





very intense

DO NOT use










on wood








Image 10
Contents Pour toute question ou tout commentaire, nous contacter GUIDE DUTILISATION MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONESIf you have questions or comments, contact us Si tiene dudas o comentarios, contáctenosEngine WEIGHTEnglish Pump SpecificationsSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Definitions Safety GuidelinesImportant Safety Instructions 1-800-4-DEWALTDANGER RISK OF EXPLOSION OR FIRE HOW TO PREVENT ITEnglish WHAT CAN HAPPENDANGER RISK TO BREATHING ASPHYXIATION CONTINUED DANGER RISK OF FLUID INJECTION AND LACERATIONDANGER RISK OF INJURY FROM SPRAY DANGER RISK OF UNSAFE OPERATIONDANGER RISK OF INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE WHEN TRANSPORTING OR STORING WARNING RISK OF HOT SURFACES WARNING RISK OF BURSTINGWARNING RISK OF CHEMICAL BURN WARNING RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK INSTALLATION Pressure Washer Assembly FigSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE USE WARNING RISK OF INJURY FROM LIFTINGOPERATION Pressure Adjustments Spray Wand Nozzles Figuse. Do not use bleach Chemicals and Cleaning SolventsCHANGING NOZZLES ON SPRAY WAND TO APPLY CHEMICALS AND SOLVENTSSTART-UP PROCEDURE StartingShutting Down MAINTENANCErefer to Chemicals and Cleaning SolventsHOW TO CHANGE To Clean the Water Inlet FilterNozzle Cleaning PumpSTORAGE Engine ACCESSORIESTo Remove Tires Pressure WasherRepairs SERVICE INFORMATIONLimited Warranty Date and Place of PurchaseGlossary Troubleshooting GuideProblem CodeCODE Troubleshooting CodesPOSSIBLE SOLUTION POSSIBLE CAUSETroubleshooting Codes cont Caractéristiques techniques de la pompe FrançaisMoteur LAVEUSE HAUTE PRESSION, MODÈLE DP3900Directives de sécurité importantes Fiche techniqueDéfinitions lignes directrices en matière de sécurité et des conditions de fonctionnement et d’autres variablesCE QUI PEUT SE PRODUIRE CONSERVER CES DIRECTIVESDANGER RISQUE D’EXPLOSION OU D’INCENDIE COMMENT L’ÉVITERDANGER RISQUE D’ASPHYXIE DANGER RISQUE D’INJECTION ET DE LACÉRATION SUITEDANGER RISQUE DE BLESSURE PAR JET DANGER RISQUE D’UTILISATION DANGEREUSESuivre la procédure de AVERTISSEMENT ATTENTION SURFACES CHAUDES FrançaisAVERTISSEMENT RISQUE D’ÉCLATEMENT AVERTISSEMENT RISQUE DE BRÛLURE CHIMIQUEAVERTISSEMENT RISQUE DECHOC ÉLECTRIQUE INSTALLATION Assemblage de la laveuse haute pression FigCONSERVER CES DIRECTIVES POUR UN USAGE ULTÉRIEUR AVERTISSEMENT RISQUE DE BLESSURE EN SOULEVANT LE PRODUITFONCTIONNEMENT Réglages de la pression Buses du tube de pulvérisation Fig CHANGEMENT DES BUSES SUR LE TUBE DE PULVÉRISATIONDémarrage Produits chimiques et solvants de nettoyageAPPLICATION DE PRODUITS CHIMIQUES ET SOLVANTS section Produits chimiques et solvants PROCÉDURE DE DÉMARRAGEde nettoyage ENTRETIEN Mise à l’arrêt de l’appareilNettoyage des buses PompeNettoyage du filtre de l’admission d’eau VÉRIFICATION DU NIVEAU D’HUILERANGEMENT Moteur Retrait des pneuLaveuse haute pression Réparations ACCESSOIRESINFORMATION SUR LES RÉPARATIONS Garantie limitéeGlossaire Tube de pulvérisation à branchement rapide ce système permetCodes de dépannage SOLUTION PROBABLEGuide de dépannage ProblèmeCodes de dépannage suite Consulter la section Buses du tube de pulvérisation sousS’assurer que l’extrémité du tuyau pour produit chimique soit entière Español MotorEspecificaciones de la bomba LAVADORA A PRESIÓN CON MOTOR A DP3900Instrucciones de seguridad importantes EspecificacionesDefiniciones Normas de seguridad MODELO¿QUÉ PUEDE SUCEDER? CONSERVE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONESPELIGRO RIESGO DE EXPLOSIÓN O INCENDIO CÓMO EVITARLOPELIGRO RIESGO RESPIRATORIO ASFIXIA PELIGRO RIESGO DE INYECCIÓN DE LÍQUIDO Y LACERACIÓN CONTINUAR PELIGRO RIESGO DE INYECCIÓN DE LÍQUIDO Y LACERACIÓNPELIGRO RIESGO DE OPERACIÓN INSEGURA PELIGRO RIESGO DE LESIÓN POR PULVERIZACIÓNPELIGRO RIESGO DE LESIÓN O DAÑO A LA PROPIEDAD AL TRANSPORTAR O ALMACENAR LA UNIDADADVERTENCIA RIESGO DE SUPERFICIES CALIENTES ADVERTENCIA RIESGO DE DE ESTALLIDOADVERTENCIA RIESGO DE QUEMADURA QUÍMICA ADVERTENCIA RIESGO DE DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA INSTALACIÓN Ensamblado de la lavadora a presión FigCONSERVE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA FUTURAS CONSULTAS ADVERTENCIA RIESGO DE LESIÓN POR LEVANTAR MUCHO PESOOPERACIÓN Ajustes a la presión Patrón de Boquillas para la varilla pulverizadora FigColor de la UsosPuesta en marcha Productos químicos y solventes de limpiezaPARA APLICAR PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS Y SOLVENTES PROCEDIMIENTO DE PUESTA EN MARCHA MANTENIMIENTO Apagado2. Apague el motor. Consulte el manual de instrucciones del motor Para limpiar el filtro de entrada de agua BombaLimpieza de las boquillas PARA CONTROLAR EL ACEITEALMACENAMIENTO Motor Para quitar los neumáticosLavadora a presión Reparaciones ACCESORIOSINFORMACIÓN DE MANTENIMIENTO Póliza de GarantíaGarantía limitada EXCEPCIONESGlosario Productos químicos y solventes de limpiezaProblema Guía de detección de problemasCódigos de detección de problemas CódigoConsulte la sección Boquillas para la varilla pulverizadora en Códigos de detección de problemas continuar CÓDIGO CAUSA POSIBLE NOV06 D EWALT Industrial Tool Co701 Joppa Road, Baltimore, MD Form No. A20832