ESG Family Signal Generators |
-110 Command header error
An error was detected in the header. This message is used when the device cannot detect the more specific errors described for errors
Fewer parameters were received than required for the header. For example, the *ESE common command requires one parameter, so receiving *ESE is not allowed.
More parameters were received than expected for the header. For example, the *ESE common command only accepts one parameter, so receiving *ESE 0,1 is not allowed.
A Group Execute Trigger was received within a program message (see IEEE 488.2, 7.7). Correct the GPIB controller program so that the GET does not occur within a line of GPIB program code.
The parser recognized a data element that is not allowed. For example, numeric or string data was expected, but block data was encountered.
The parser was expecting a separator and encountered an illegal character. For example, the semicolon was omitted after a program message unit.
In 8656/57 compatibility mode, illegal language input was received.
Syntax error; Bad compatibility language token <token>.
In 8656/57 compatibility mode, a known command or termination specifier was received when it was not expected. For example, a termination specifier was received with no currently active function.
Error Messages | 53 |