Intel IXP1200 manual Virtual Circuit Lookup Table Cache, VC Cache Function 1.1 OC-12 Configuration

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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design






5: ATM Adaptation Layer 5

0: VC is not open





The CRC-32 syndrome associated with the PDU. It is saved in the VC table entry after a cell

is moved, and then retrieved and used when the next cell in the PDU is received.




Cell Data11

The last four bytes of the previous cell in this PDU. Used during re-assembly of PDUs to allow

8-byte quadword burst writes to DRAM without using DRAM Read/Modify/Write instructions.




4.2Virtual Circuit Lookup Table Cache

4.2.1VC Cache Function Configuration

The intent of the VC cache is not to reduce average latency but to account for back to back cells from the same VC. It is not possible to reduce average latency because the design has to account for worst case cache miss on every VC lookup anyway.

The OC-12 configuration caches the results of VC Table lookup operations in absolute registers. The intent of the VC cache is not to reduce average latency, but rather to account for back-to-back cells from the same VC. It is not possible to reduce average latency, because the design has to account for worst-case cache miss on every VC lookup. In this scenario, processing of the subsequent cell can only commence once processing of the previous cell has been completed and recorded in the VC Table Entry. In particular, the subsequent cell can access the VC Table Entry only after the previous cell has updated the buffer offset telling the cell where to go, and updated the CRC syndrome. The CRC syndrome is known only after the previous cell is done transferring from RFIFO to DRAM, and it must be known before the subsequent cell starts transferring from RFIFO to DRAM. Configuration

The OC-3 configuration does not require, and thus does not enable, the VC Cache. In the OC-3 receiver, there is a single thread dedicated to each port. Therefore, by definition the cells coming in on each port are on different VCs and threads will thus never have to wait for access to the same VC Table Entry.

4.2.2VC Cache Structure

There are four VC Cache entries, enough to guarantee that every thread in the ATM Receive microengine will always be able to find one to use. Each VC Cache entry occupies 6 absolute registers.






VC and port associated with the entry




Implement a sequence number for each entry to maintain the order that

@seq_exit0... @seq_exit3

multiple threads attempt to access the entry.




Local working copy of the flags in the VC Table Entry.




Application Note

Modified on: 3/20/02,

Image 34
Contents IXP1200 Network Processor Family Application Note Contents Virtual Circuit Lookup Table Cache Limitations Figures Purpose of ATM Example Design IntroductionScope of Example Design Supported / Not Implemented Functions Configuration DescriptionBackground Ethernet, IP and AAL5 Protocol ProcessingFrame and PDU Length vs. IP Packet Length SARExpected Ethernet Transmit Bandwidth Frame and PDU Length vs. IP Packet LengthExecution Environment SoftwareDeveloper’s Workbench ATM Data Stream Dialog Box System Programming Model System OverviewHardware StrongARM Core Software System Programming ModelSoftware Partitioning ATM TXLookup Tables ATM to Ethernet Data Flow Data FlowVC Lookup IP Lookup Table ATM to Ethernet Processing StepsStrongARM Core Initialization Ethernet to ATM Data FlowATM Receive Microengine Microengine Functional BlocksMicroengine Initialization StructureHigh Level Algorithm OC-12 Port OC-3 PortsATM Transmit Microengine ATM Transmit High Level AlgorithmIP-Router Microengine Ethernet Receive MicroengineEthernet Receive Structure Ethernet Transmit MicroengineEthernet Receive High Level Algorithm Ethernet Transmit Structure CRC-32 Calculations using IXP1240/1250 HardwareCRC-32 Hardware Checking on Receive Bytes Big Endian Diagram First Cell of a PDU in Rfifo and in DramCRC-32 Hardware Generation on Transmit Transmit AlignmentCRC-32 Checker and Generator Microengines Soft-CRC Functional Differences between Checker and GeneratorCRC-32 Checker and Generator High Level Algorithm Software Subsystems & Data StructuresVirtual Circuit Lookup Table atmvctable.uc CRC-32 ComputationVctablehashed Structure Vctablelinear Structure Primary VC TableVC Table Management API atmutils.c VC Table EntryBuffer Offset Buffer Index Entry DescriptionCell data11 Entry Description Virtual Circuit Lookup Table Cache VC Cache Function 1.1 OC-12 Configuration1.2 OC-3 Configuration VC Cache StructureIP Table Function IP Lookup TableVC Cache API IP Table StructureMtuchange IP Table Management APIRoutetableinit AtmrouteaddRoutedelete EnetrouteaddRtentinfo RthelpSram Buffer Descriptors and Dram Data Buffers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Next BD Last Quad Queue Index Sram Buffer Descriptor FormatATM Header Entry Description 2 3 4 Dram Data Buffer Format2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bytes Enet SrcAdrSequencehandle Usage Sequence Numbers sequence.ucSystem Limit on Packet Buffers API Call DescriptionExample Message Queues msgq.ucUsage Model Step Sequence Operation Bakery Line AnalogyMsgqinitregs Msgqhandle ParametersMsgqinitqueue MsgqsendMsgqreceive RamoptionBuffer Descriptor Queues bdq.uc 1.1 FeaturesFeature Description BDQ Management MacrosCounters CountCounter Base Address Global ParametersUse of the Counter Subsystem Counter Index#define Statement Description Global Counter Enable and FlagsCounter Flags Counter Group DescriptionCounterinc Counters.uc CounterresetPortcounterinc Portcounterinc Algorithm IntotaldiscardsCounters.c Countersinit CountersprintGlobal $transfer Register Name Manager xfer.uc AtmtxcrcbadbdMutexvectorenter Mutex VectorsMutexvectorinit MutexvectorexitInter-Thread Signalling Project Configuration / Modifying the Example DesignProjectconfig.h Systemconfig.h Testing EnvironmentsSwitching Between Hardware Configurations Limitations Simulation Support Scripts, etcExtending the Example Design Byte Document ConventionsAcronyms & Definitions 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... BytesRelated Documents Title Description