Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
| Access Point Faults |
Table |
| ||
Fault Description | Type | Explanation | Related Setting | Recommended Action | |
Client authentication | The fault threshold | Manage Fault | Verify that the fault | ||
error rate is | and IOS | set for the | Settings > | threshold is set correctly. | |
Overloaded number |
| overloaded state | Thresholds > | If the threshold is set | |
per minute |
| has been exceeded. | Access Point > | ||
| correctly, review your | ||||
| Authentication | ||
| When this fault is | network to determine the | ||
| Error Rate | |||
| cleared, the | action necessary to clear | ||
| |||
| following message |
| the fault condition. | |
| displays: Client |
| association error |
| rate is OK. |
Device state is rogue | IOS | The WLSE | Manage | Use Location Manager | |
access point |
| detected a rogue | (select Radio Manager > | ||
| access point. (This | Settings > | Location Manager) to | |
| is an access point | Rogue AP | locate the rogue access | |
| that is not being | Detection | point. | |
| managed and is |
| unknown to the |
| WLSE.) |
Device was not | The SNMP Agent | Manage Fault | Make sure SNMP is | ||
reachable via SNMP | and IOS | could be down. | Settings > | enabled on the device and | |
| When this fault is | Thresholds > | that the agent is not down. | |
| Access Point > |
| |
| cleared, the | Take a MIB walk of the | ||
| SNMP | |||
| following message | device to make sure sysup | ||
| Reachable | |||
| displays: Device | time is returning 0, which | ||
| |||
| was reachable via |
| indicates Device is | |
| SNMP. |
| reachable. | |
| The SNMP | Not applicable. | Change the SNMP | |
| community string |
| community string on the | |
| in the access point |
| WLSE to match the new | |
| has been changed, |
| community string on the | |
| and then a |
| access point, then run | |
| discovery job is |
| discovery again. | |
| run. |
FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine