Chapter 1 - Introduction
How to use this manual | The purpose of these operating instructions is to provide detailed in- |
| formation on how to start up a thyristor power converter from the |
| DCS 500B or DCP 500B series. |
| Note: If it is not mentioned explicitly all details given in |
| these Operating Instructions will be valid for both, |
| series DCS 500B / DCF 500B and series DCP 500B! |
Contents of this manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction |
| It describes how to use this manual and the boundary conditions |
| applying. |
| Chapter 2 - |
| We recommend working your way through the |
| step by step, since in this way you will get to perform all important |
| parameter setting routines. |
| Chapter 3 - How to Handle the Control and Display Panel |
| This chapter describes how to operate the CDP 31x control and |
| display panel. |
| Chapter 4 - Signals and Troubleshooting |
| This chapter describes the available signals and possibilities of dis- |
| play with DCS 500B and DCP 500B. As far as fault signals are con- |
| cerned there will be indicated measures (actions) to be taken for |
| troubleshooting. |
Target group | This manual is designed to help those responsible for planning, in- |
| stalling, starting up and servicing the thyristor power converter. |
| These people should possess |
| • basic knowledge of physics and electrical engineering, electrical |
| wiring principles, components and symbols used in electrical en- |
| gineering, and |
| • basic experience with DC drives and products. |
Associated publications
The DCS 500B / DCF 500B or DCP 500B documentation includes the following:
•System Description DCS 500B / DCF 500B
•System Description DCP 500B
•Technical Data DCS 500B / DCF 500B, DCP 500B
•Operating Instructions (this document)
DCS 500B / DCP 500B Operating Instructions | IV A 1 - 1 |
3ADW000055R0401_DCS500B_Operating Instruction_e_d