Setting | Description |
| Sensitivity of the UPS to power line fluctuation. Set this |
| value according to the type and magnitude of expected |
| fluctuation and the susceptibility of the load. Values range |
Sensitivity | from high to low sensitivity. Use lower sensitivity settings |
| when running from a less stable power source, e.g., an |
| inexpensive |
| mined that the connected devices can handle the instability. |
| Time interval between issuance of a UPS turn off command |
Shutdown | and actual shutdown of the load. Since the UPS notifies the |
Delay | computer of the impending shutdown, Shutdown Delay |
| allows for graceful turn off. |
| Time interv al after which the UPS turns on after restoration |
Return Delay | of utility power. Use return delay to prevent branch circuit |
| overloads. |
UPS Self Test | Time intervals between UPS battery |
Audible Alarm | Function of the UPS audible alarm. |
Low Battery | Time interval between |
Duration | the UPS. Select from values between 2 and 10 minutes. |
| Battery capacity desired for UPS restart after a power |
Return | outage. Select from values between 0% and 90%. At 0%, |
Battery | the UPS will restart as soon as utility line power returns to |
Capacity | normal. With other settings, the UPS will charge the |
| batteries to the specified level prior to restart. |
Reset UPS to | Returns the UPS to its default state. Type YES (all |
Default | uppercase) and press ENT ER when prompted to confirm |
Settings | resetting. Any other entry stops resetting. |