Vixel Model 335 Installation & Configuration Guide | APPENDIX B CLI Console Commands | ||
| Command | Syntax | Action |
| Configure Non- | noz | Configures ports for |
| overlapping Zones |
| Values: |
| noz z:p,p,p.. z:p | z = zone number 1 to 12 |
| p.. z.. | p = port number 1 to 12 |
| Note: |
| Unspecified ports are placed into zone 1. |
| Each port must be in one |
| only. |
| Ports on a zone may be separated by a comma or |
| spaces. |
| Configure | oz | Configures ports for overlapping zones. |
| Overlapping Zones |
| Values: |
| (Port blocks in | oz | a = add port block pair |
| switching mode) | p2 | r = remove port block pair |
| p1 = 1st port (must be in non overlapping zone 1) |
| p2 = 2nd port (must be in non overlapping zone 1) |
| |
| oz r | r = remove all port blocks |
| Set Management | url= | Sets the Fibre Alliance URL value. Use |
| URL | url=<value> | to default. |
| Set Daytime Server | ipt | Sets the IP Address for the daytime server. |
| IP Address |
| Set Daytime Server | dlyt | Sets the interval for validating switch time with the |
| Update Period |
| daytime server. |
| Set Time Mode | time | Sets the switch time manually. |