Voice Response Integration
Up to 2,500 busy hour calls are supported by the VIS. Voice Response Integra- tion involves calls offered to VIS T/R or LST1 lines and transferred to an agent with data screen delivery.
Data Screen Delivery
Up to 10,000 busy hour calls are supported by the VIS. Data Screen Delivery involves calls offered directly to a monitored live agent split with either the VIS or the host delivering a data screen to the agent terminal. Note that this call limit assumes that the VIS delivers the screens.
Routing Applications
Up to 5,000 busy hour calls can be supported and 256 simultaneous Routing Requests can be handled by the VIS. Note that these call and request limits assume that the routing database is on the VIS machine.
In addition, note that a maximum of 48 channels can be administered on the VIS and a maximum of 32 domains (ACD & VDNs) can be monitored.
Note that each domain requires one virtual channel for running the script that is associated with it. With an increase in load, however, there might be a need for more virtual channels per script. Consequently, it is recommended that at least 2 virtual channels be reserved per script so as to insure reliable service.
As load increases on a domain, more instances of the script that is assigned to that domain are spawned off on the virtual channel. When the load is reduced, these virtual channels are released. However, at any time there is at least one script running per virtual channel. The number of virtual channels is set to 32 by the ASAI installation package.
It is recommended that you disable any unused domains so that the virtual chan- nels associated with the domains may be used for other applications. Refer to Chapter 4, "ASAI Administration" for information on disabling the domain through the Domain Administration screen.