Sample ASAI Voice Script
Following is an example of an ASAI voice script that has been developed with the A_Callinfo and A_Tran actions.
#This is a sample voice script making use of the A_Tran action.
#This script would be used to handle calls at a T/R channel.
#In steps 1 through 3, standard Script Builder actions
#can be used to greet the caller, collect information, etc. In
#particular, it is assumed that a Prompt and Collect is used to
#collect an account number which is stored in account_num.
#A local database is read in an attempt to match the account
#number the caller provided and the ANI supplied with A_Callinfo.
#If a match is found, the table provides
#an agent extension and a split extension which are used to route the
#call to a specific agent within a split (direct agent routing).
#If no match is found, the call is routed to a default live agent
#Fields dest_num (agent extension) and split_num (split extension) for
#direct agent routing are returned from the table when a match is
4.External Action: A_Callinfo calling: calling_num called: called_num switchdata: switch_data trunkid: trunk_num callid: call_id
cause: callinfo_cause
Return Field: callinfo_return
5.Read Table
Table Name: account_db Search From Beginning Field: account = account_num
Field: ani = calling_num
#Set defaults in case no match is found in the table: dest_num is set
#to the default live agent split (split 5678). split_num is set to
#NULL so that direct agent calling is not invoked.