If event_ret != “‘C’”
3.Goto Event_start End Evaluate
#Send data to the host. Only connected agent, ANI, DNIS, and
#VIS data are used in this example application.
#It is assumed that Aid Key for sending the data to the host is
#PF3. Note that you have to investigate what Aid Key is
#appropriate for your host environment.
8.Send Host Screen
Send Screen Name: connect_data Use Aid Key: PF3 Field: connect_number = connect_num Field: ani = calling_num
Field: dnis = called_num voice_data = vis_data
9.Get Host Screen
For Screen Name: verify End Get Host Screen
10.Send Host Screen
Send Screen Name: verify Use Aid Key: PF3
11.Get Host Screen
For Screen Name: connect_data End Get Host Screen
#Repeat the process - go back and get the next event.
12.Goto Event_start HOST_DOWN:
13.Goto start