ASAI Script Builder Actions
To insure that the original caller is exposed to such operations, you must construct your vectors so that the transfer is forced to complete before such operations are performed. Examples include queuing the call to the agent split before playing announcements and queuing the call to a dummy split before performing call prompting operations. No ports or stations need be dedicated to establish a dummy split. To insure that a “queue to” step will cause calls to be queued to a dummy split, however, the dummy split should be made vector controlled and queue slots should be assigned to it.
To add A_Tran to a transaction while defining an application in Script Builder, press ADD. The Action Choices screen opens. Highlight “A_Tran,” then press ENTER . Press CANCEL to exit from the Action Choices screen. You must now define the A_Tran step further. In the Define Transaction screen, highlight “Exter- nal Action: A_Tran,” then press DEFINE. The Define A_Tran form screen opens (Figure