ASAI Administration
Diagnose IPCI Board
You should use the Diagnose IPCI Board command when you suspect that there is a problem with the ASAI link. Note that the IPCI card must be on-line before it may be diagnosed. Refer to the Initialize IPCI Board procedures later in this chap- ter for information on initializing the IPCI card.
You may use the Show Status of ASAI Link (Figure 4-15)screen to determine whether the link is on-line (actively using the link) or off-line (not using the link). You may use the Take IPCI Board Off-line procedure to change the card from an on-line to an off-line state. Likewise, you may use the Initialize IPCI Board proce- dure to change the card from an off-line to an on-line state.The Take IPCI Board Off-lineand Initialize IPCI Board procedures are discussed later in this chapter.
To diagnose the IPCI Board from the ASAI Administration screen, highlight “Diag- nose IPCI Board” and then press ENTER Figure 4-8 shows the Diagnose IPCI Board screen with IPCI diagnosis information displayed.
Diagnose IPCI Board
The IPCI Board passed all tests.
Press ENTER to continue.

Figure 4-8. Diagnose IPCI Board Screen
In the Diagnose IPCI Board example shown in Figure 4-8, testing was executed on card 1. If for some reason diagnostics had failed on the card, that information would be contained in this screen. The diagnose IPCI card command does not affect the link or traffic on the link.