ASAI Script Builder Actions
The “Call State” field stores the status of the call. If a call transfer was attempted, the Call State field will have one of the following values:
■0 — Call State information not available.
■1 — Destination Number is ringing (alerting).
■4 — Transfer was denied. Check the Cause Value field for additional infor- mation.
■5 — Call to Destination Number is queued until a line becomes available.
■7 — Destination Number is busy.
■8 — The destination address seized a
■9 — The destination address is interworking with a
The Call State field contains the status of the call when A_Tran returns 0,
The “Cause Value” field returns an error cause if the transfer is not successful. Note that the “Cause Value” field contains the reason for the failure if A_Tran returns
The “Return Field” returns a code indicating whether A_Tran was successful.
A_Tran attempts to complete (merge) the transfer if the call is not busy or denied. If the A_Tran action is successful, it returns a number greater than or equal to zero. Otherwise A_Tran reconnects back to the original caller if necessary and returns one of the following negative values: