CHAPTER2 Ethernet Unit
2-1 Ethernet unit features
Ethernet is the network most commonly used by office equipment today. This Ethernet unit is an optional device for connecting to controllers over the Ethernet.
The communications protocol utilizes TCP/IP which is a standard Internet protocol so PCs and business computers with Internet access or equipment incorporating TCP/IP protocols can easily exchange data with the controller.
Main features of this Ethernet unit are as follows:
■The controller can be connected to the Ethernet system using this unit. The unit fits directly inside the controller and so does not require any extra installation space.
■The Ethernet unit uses
■Several controllers can be connected on the same network so information can be processed in one batch from a designated PC.
■Utilizing a HUB having
■The controller operates as a TELNET (socket) server, which can easily be accessed from PCs used as TELNET terminals. (Windows PCs incorporate a TELNET ter- minal called TELNET.EXE as standard equipment.)
Ethernet unit commands are the same as those handled through
If information such as network settings on the PC or for detailed information on other equipment is needed, refer to that particular user’s manual or product instruction manual. For information on operating the YAMAHA controller or robot programming, refer to the controller user’s manual.
* Ethernet is a registered trademark of the Xerox Corporation (USA).