Configuration of the Xanbus AGS
Max Run Time
Full name Maximum Generator Run Time
Purpose "Max Run Time" allows a limit to be set on how long the generator will run. This setting overrides any automatic start triggers. For example, if the generator starts in response to low battery voltage, and the batteries are not fully charged before "Max Run Time" is reached, the generator will stop. In addition, when the generator is started manually from the Xanbus System Control Panel (SCP), the generator will stop when "Max Run Time" is reached.
When started with an external manual ON/OFF switch, the generator will not stop when it reaches "Max Run Time". The generator must be stopped with the external manual ON/OFF switch, or by using the System Control Panel to change the "GenMode" to ManualOff.
If the AGS reaches "Max Run Time", a warning message will appear on the Xanbus System Control Panel (SCP). The AGS will stop operating until the warning is acknowledged by pressing ENTER on the Xanbus System Control Panel (SCP).
Values | Default |
0 hours to 24 hours (increments of 1hour) | 8 hours |
Considerations Adjust the "Max Run Time" if the maximum generator run time:
•exceeds the fuel capacity of the generator, or
•is not long enough to fully recharge the batteries under optimum conditions.
Exercise Per
Full name Set Exercise Period (in days).
Purpose "Exercise Per" sets the minimum time interval between each running of the generator. If the generator has not been run within this time frame, the AGS will start the generator to “exercise” it.
The time interval defined by the Exercise Period setting begins with the last time the generator was run for any reason, not with the last time the AGS exercised the generator.
For example, setting an exercise period of 30 days would start the generator if it had not been run at all for 30 days.
Dependencies The "Exercise Per" trigger requires parameters to be set in the "Exercise Dur" and "Exercise Time" menu items.
Values | Default |
0 (Off), 1day to 250days (increments of 1day) | 21days |
Considerations Generators need to run regularly in order to maintain mechanical health and performance. If the generator isn’t needed and doesn’t run, it is recommended that an Exercise period be set to keep the generator in good working condition.
If the generator runs frequently throughout the year, it may not need to be exercised. In that case, set the "Exercise Per" trigger to 0.
IMPORTANT: Consult the generator manual or a service representative from the generator’s manufacturer for the recommended exercise period.
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