Fault Reference Table
When the AGS detects a fault condition, it stops the generator. The red Fault light also comes on, and the Xanbus System Control Panel (SCP) displays a fault message.
The AGS remembers the GenMode that it was in at the time it detected the fault. After you have cleared the fault, the AGS returns to its last known GenMode.
Table 7 | AGS Fault Messages |
| |
Fault | Message |
| Cause | Action |
Number |
F200 | Exceeded | No | The AGS has tried and | Check the generator’s |
| max number |
| failed to start the | fuel level and start |
| of start tries. |
| generator. To prevent | battery condition. |
| Check gen, |
| draining the start | Consult generator |
| clear fault. |
| battery, the AGS will | manual. |
| suspend further start | Clear fault on System |
| attempts. | Control Panel screen to |
| allow retry. |
F201 | Unable to | No | The AGS has lost | Change the AGS mode |
| stop gen. |
| contact with the | to Manual Off. |
| Stop gen via |
| generator or the | If this fails to work, |
| its control |
| generator did not stop | stop the generator with |
| panel. |
| after the AGS sent it a | the external stop |
| stop signal. | switch. |
| Check generator. |
| Return AGS to |
| automatic mode to |
| resume automatic starts |
| and stops. |
Table 7 | AGS Fault Messages |
| |
Fault | Message | Cause | Action | |
Number |
F203 | Manual Off: | No | An external sensor | After the sensor |
| Gen stopped |
| connected to the AGS | connected to the |
| by ext |
| has stopped the | external shutdown has |
| sensor. Reset |
| generator and put the | deactivated, clear the |
| GenMode. |
| AGS into Manual Off | fault and reset the AGS |
| mode. | to the desired mode. |
F500 | Serial | No | The silicon serial ID | Call your dealer or |
| Number |
| number has failed and | Xantrex Technology |
| Failure, |
| the AGS has gone into | USA Inc. |
| Service |
| Standby. |
| Required. |
F501 | Memory | No | The AGS has suffered a | Call your dealer or |
| Failure. |
| Xantrex Technology | |
| Service |
| failure. | USA Inc. |
| Required. |
F505 | Internal | No | A controller fault has | Clear the fault. If the |
| Failure. |
| occurred and the AGS | fault persists, call your |
| Service |
| has gone into Standby. | dealer or Xantrex |
| Required. |
| Technology USA Inc. |
72 | Xanbus Automatic Generator Start (AGS) Owner’s Guide |