Page 18 - Using the Call Log | Using the Call Log |
Deleting a Call Log Entry
1.Press Log. If
Log is not shown, press any
Soft Key.
2.At default, Missed calls are displayed first. You can select from InAns or Outgo. Alternatively, press More and select All to display all three options. To return to Missed or InAns or Outg, press Back and make your selection.
3.Press and
to display different pages of log entries.
4.When you locate the entry you want to call, press the or
key next to the entry.
5.Press Delete and
Done. The entry is deleted from the Call Log and the details of the next call are shown.
6.To exit the call log and return to the call handling screen press Exit.
Erasing All Logged Calls
Loss of power to the 5410 phone will cause all call log entries to be deleted. The Erase All option also deletes all logged calls.
Caution: This action also deletes all speed dial entries and phone personalization options.
See Default Phone/Erase All Settings on page 21.
Setting Which Calls are Logged
Caution: If you change these settings, any call details already in the call log that no longer match the selection made are deleted.
1.Press Option. If
Option is not shown, press any
Soft Key.
2.Press Log Setup. A menu showing Answered,
3.To toggle a particular setting between Yes or No, press the key next to it.
•Alternatively, press the key next to a call type to underline its current
setting and then press Yes/No to change the value of the currently underlined setting.
4.Do one of the following:
Note: If you press Save after changing the settings, any existing call log entries that do not match the call types selected are deleted from the call log.
•To save the settings and return to the options menu, press Save. You will hear a confirmation tone.
•To return to the Options menu without saving any changes, press Cancel.
•To return to the call handling screen without saving any changes, press Exit.
Page 18 - Using the Call Log | IP Office 5410 User’s Guide |
Using the Call Log | 40DHB0002UKEY – Issue 1 (7th February 2005) |