Elta 4224 manual Line in Jack, Wake to Radio or Buzzer, Snooze Function, Sleep to Radio

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line in Jack

Connect your portable MP3 player or other audio devices via 3.5mm jack audio cable (not supplied) to play back via your clock radio.

Wake to Radio or Buzzer

Select the desired radio station and volume level.

Press and hold the alarm set button and simultaneously press the hour set button to set the desired alarm hour. Press and hold the button for fast setting or tap it briefly to increase the setting by one hour.

Now press and hold the alarm set button and simultaneously press the min set button to set the desired alarm minutes. Press and hold the button for fast setting or tap it briefly to increase the setting by one minute.

Now press alarm on/off, the alarm indicator lights on the display. The radio will turn on to wake you at the preset time with your favorite station. It will play for 1 hour and then automatically turn off.

For alarm with your favourite station set alarm radio/buzz to radio.

To wake to buzzer instead of radio, make sure to turn alarm radio/buzz to buzz. Press alarm on/off to turn off radio or buzzer, the alarm indicator turns off. The alarm will come on the next day at the same time.

Snooze Function

When the buzzer sounds or the radio turns on, press snooze to turn off buzzer or radio temporarily. Approx. 5 minutes later buzzer or radio will sound again.

The snooze function is repeated up to one hour or until you cancel it by pressing the alarm on/off button. After 1 hour the snooze function is automatically reset.

Sleep to Radio

Select the desired radio station and volume level.

Press the sleep button to access the sleep timer; the display shows 90 and SLEEP. Repeatedly press sleep to adjust the sleep time to 90, 60, 30, and 10 minutes, the corresponding time is displayed and SLEEP flashes for a few seconds. The display returns to the frequency and SLEEP is displayed.

The radio will play for the set period and then turn off automatically.

To turn the radio off prior to the end of the preset period, simply press the snooze button.

Sleep to Radio and Wake to Radio or Buzzer Select the desired radio station and volume level.

Press the sleep button and set the desired sleep period as described above. Set the alarm as described above.

The radio turns off after the preset time and wakes you the next morning with buzzer or radio, according to your setting.


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Contents 4224 Sicherheitsbestimmungen Modell Uhrenradio mit großem LCD-DisplayWeitere Informationen Feuchtigkeit und Reinigung SicherheitshinweiseHitze und Wärme Batterien fachgerecht entsorgenNetzanschluss Aufstellort des GerätesStapeln BatterienRückansicht Tastenbelegung und FunktionenDraufsicht Anschlüsse Allgemeine BedienungshinweiseSchlummerfunktion Line in EingangsbuchseWecken mit Radio oder Summer Einschlafen mit MusikTechnische Spezifikationen Problem Mögliche Ursache LösungsvorschlagStörungserkennung Model Clock Radio with Large LCD Display Safety InstructionsImportant advice regarding hearing protection Further InformationHeat and warmth Safety InstructionsMoisture and cleaning Professional recyclingBattery Safety Precautions InstallationMains Power Supply StackingRear View Location of ControlsTop View Connections Basic OperationSnooze Function Line in JackWake to Radio or Buzzer Sleep to RadioProblem Reason TroubleshootingTechnical Specifications SolutionMesures DE Securite Modele Radio-réveil avec grand affichage LCDPlus D’INFORMATIONS Conseil important pour la protection de l’ouïeHumidité et nettoyage Mesures DE SécuritéLa chaleur et sources de chaleur Recyclage professionnelPrécautions de Sécurité de la pile EmpilementAlimentation secteur Vue Arrière Localisation des commandesVue du dessus Connexions Fonctionnement SimpleFonction Sommeil Prise line’éveiller avec la radio ou avec le Buzzer ’endormir avec la radioProblème Cause Guide de dépannageSpécifications techniques Biztonsági Előírások Modell Rádiós óra nagy LCD kijelzővelKiegészítő Információk VigyázatNedvesség és tisztítás Biztonsági ElőírásokMeleg és forróság Előírásos hulladék-elhelyezésHálózati csatlakozás Üzembe helyezésElhelyezés Az elemekkel kapcsolatos óvintézkedésekHátulnézet Kezelőszervek elhelyezkedéseFelülnézet Csatlakozások Alapvető műveletekSzundi funkció Line in csatlakozóÉbresztés rádióval vagy berregővel Elalvás rádióvalMűszaki jellemzők Problem Indok MegoldásHibaelhárítás Informazioni Aggiuntive ModelloRadio sveglia con display LCD grande Istruzioni DI SicurezzaUmidità e pulizia Istruzioni DI SicurezzaRiscaldamento e calore Riciclaggio professionaleAlimentazione InstallazioneCircuito d’attesa Precauzioni di sicurezza per la batteriaVisione posteriore Posizione dei comandiVisione dall’alto Connessioni Funzioni baseFunzione Snooze Presa lineSveglia con radio o suoneria Da silenzioso a radioSpecifiche tecniche Problemi e soluzioniProblema Causa Soluzione Instrucciones DE Seguridad Modelo Radio reloj con gran pantalla LCDInformación Adicional ¡PeligroHumedad y limpieza Instrucciones DE SeguridadCalor Reciclaje profesionalFuente de voltaje InstalaciónUbicación Precauciones de seguridad de la pilaVista Inferior Situación de los controlesVista Superior Conexiones Funcionamiento básicoFunción siesta Jack lineLevantarse con la radio o el zumbido Reposo con la radioEspecificaciones Técnicas Guía solucionador de problemasProblema Razón Solución Instrucções DE Segurança Modelo Rádio Despertador com Visor LCD GrandeMais Informações Reciclagem Profissional Instruções DE SegurançaHumidade e Limpeza Fonte de alimentação InstalaçãoInstalação em pilha Precauções de Segurança das PilhasVista Traseira Localização dos ControlosVista de Cima Ligações Funções BásicasTemporizador com Rádio Entrada lineFunção Snooze Temporizador com Rádio e Despertador com Rádio ou ToqueResolução DE Problemas Problema Razão SoluçãoŚrodki Ostrożności Model Radiobudzik z dużym wyświetlaczem LCDDalsze Inforamcje Informacje dotyczące ochrony słuchu UwagaWilgoć oraz czyszczenie Środki OstrożnościCiepło Pozbywanie się bateriiZasilanie sieci InstalacjaPrzechowywanie w pozycji pionowej Baterie- środki ostrożnościWidok z tyłu Lokalizacja elementów sterowaniaWidok z góry Połączenia Podstawowe działanieZasypianie przy radiu Gniazdo lineFunkcja drzemki Specyfikacje techniczne Rozwiązywanie problemówProblem Przyczyna Rozwiązanie Veligheidsmaatregelen Model Klokradio met Grote LCD DisplayBijkomende Informatie Belangrijk advies omtrent het gehoor OpgeletVocht en reiniging VeligheidsmaatregelenHitte en warmte Professionele recyclingStroomnetwerkaansluiting InstallerenOpstapelen Voorzorgsmaatregels m.b.t. batterijenAchteraanzicht Plaats van de BedieningenBovenaanzicht Aansluitingen Basis GebruikDoezelfunctie Line in ingangWakker worden met de Radio of de Buzzer Slapen met de RadioProbleem Reden ProbleemoplossingTechnische Specificaties OplossingBezpečnostní Pokyny Model Rádiobudík s velkým LCD displejemDoplňující Informace Důležitá rada týkající se ochrany sluchu UpozorněníVlhkost a čištění Bezpečnostní PokynyTeplo a horko Sběr odpaduNapájení ze sítě InstalaceUkládání na sebe Bezpečnostní opatření týkající se bateriePohled zezadu Umístění ovládacích prvkůPohled shora Připojení Základní obsluhaFunkce Snooze Line in konektorBuzení rádiem/budíkem Časovač automatického vypnutí rádiaProblém Příčina Řešení Řešení problémůTechnická data Güvenlİk Talİmatlari Modell Geniş LCD Ekranlı Saatli RadyoHarİcİ Bİlgİler Rutubet ve temizlik Güvenlİk TalİmatlariSıcaklık ve ısı Uygun biçimde arıtmaAna Güç Kaynağı KurulumKonumlama Pil Emniyet KurallarıArkadan Görünüm Düğmelerin YerleriÜstten Görünüm Önden Görünüm Bağlantılar Temel Çalıştırma İşlemleriUykuya Devam İşlevi Line in YuvasıRadyo veya Zille Uyanma Radyo ile UyumaSorun Sebep Çözüm Sorun GİdermeTeknik Özellikler Instructiuni de Siguranta Model Radio cu Ceas si Ecran Larg LCDInformatii Suplimentare Recomandare importanta pentru protectia auditiva AtentieUmezeala si curatare Instructiuni DE SigurantaSupraincalzire si incalzire Reciclare profesionalaCablul de alimentare InstalareaInaltare Masuri de Siguranta pentru BateriiVedere din Spate Pozitia Tastelor de ControlVedere de Sus Conexiuni Functionare StandardFunctiunea Atipire Mufa lineTrezirea cu Radio sau Buzzer Radio la CulcareSpecificaţii tehnice Problema Motiv SoluţieDepanare Важен съвет отнасящ се до защита на слуха Предупреждение Допълнителна ИнформацияУпътване за безопастност ПредупреждениеВлага и почистване Упътване за безопастностГорещина и топлина Професионално рециклиранеПредпазни мерки за батериите ПоложениеЗахранване от електрическата мрежа Разположение на копчетата и механизмите Изглед отгоре Изглед отпредИзводи Управление на часовникаЗаспиване с радио Line in Жак за външни устройстваФункция за забавено/отложено събуждане Причина Решение Отстраняване НА ПроблемиТехнически характеристики Указания ПО Технике Безопасности Model Часы-радио с большим ЖК дисплеемДальнейшая Информация Влага и очистка Указания ПО Технике БезопасностиТепло и влажность Профессиональная переработкаМеры предосторожности при обращении с батарейками УстановкаЭлектропитание Вид сзади Расположение кнопокВид сверху Подключения Основные операцииФункция повторного сигнала будильника Гнездо lineПробуждение от радио или будильника Автоматическое выключение радиоПроблема Причина Устранение неисправностейТехническая спецификация 01/08