Elta 4224 manual Installation, Stacking, Mains Power Supply, Battery Safety Precautions

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13.SERVICING - The user should not attempt to service the unit beyond that described in the user operating instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.

14.CLEANING – Disconnect from mains power supply before cleaning. Do not use liquid or spray cleaners, only use a damp cloth. Follow the care and maintenance instructions in this manual.

15.LIGHTNING – During lightning and longer periods of non-use please disconnect from mains power supply and antenna.

16.SAFETY CHECK – After servicing the unit ask the customer service for a safety check.

17.OVERLOAD – To avoid fire and electric shock do not overload wall outlets and convenience receptacles.

18.ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE- Disconnect from mains power supply and remove batteries if the unit malfunctions. Reconnect after a short time.


Avoid installing the player in areas of:

1)direct sunlight or heating radiators or closed automobiles;

2)high temperature or high humidity;

3)excessive dust;

4)excessive vibration, as the internal parts may be seriously damaged.


Place the unit in an upright position. Do not place the unit on or under amplifiers or other equipment, which may heat up.

Mains Power Supply:

Heed the following instructions to avoid malfunction, fire, injury and electric shock:

Check if the mains voltage as shown on the type plate (under the set) corresponds to your local mains voltage. This unit is designed for AC 230V~50Hz.

Connect the mains lead to the AC mains socket and the wall outlet.

To disconnect from wall outlet only pull the plug and not the cable.

Hold the plug tight, when connecting to or disconnecting from wall outlet.

Do not touch the power cord with wet hands.

Protect the power cord from heat generating devices.

Please turn off the unit and contact an authorized customer service if it has been dropped or is damaged otherwise.

Battery Safety Precautions:

Keep batteries away from children and pets.

Insert the batteries observing the polarity (+/-). Failure to properly align the battery polarity can cause personal injury and/or property damage.

Remove exhausted batteries from the device. Remove the batteries when the device will not be used for extended periods of time to prevent damage due to rusted or corroded batteries.

Never throw batteries into the fire. Do not expose batteries to fire or other heat sources.

Battery disposal: exhausted batteries must be properly disposed of and recycled in compliance with all applicable laws. For detailed information contact your local municipality’s waste authority.

Follow the battery manufacturer’s safety, usage and disposal instructions.


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Contents 4224 Sicherheitsbestimmungen Modell Uhrenradio mit großem LCD-DisplayWeitere Informationen Batterien fachgerecht entsorgen SicherheitshinweiseHitze und Wärme Feuchtigkeit und ReinigungBatterien Aufstellort des GerätesStapeln NetzanschlussRückansicht Tastenbelegung und FunktionenDraufsicht Allgemeine Bedienungshinweise AnschlüsseEinschlafen mit Musik Line in EingangsbuchseWecken mit Radio oder Summer SchlummerfunktionTechnische Spezifikationen Problem Mögliche Ursache LösungsvorschlagStörungserkennung Further Information Safety InstructionsImportant advice regarding hearing protection Model Clock Radio with Large LCD DisplayProfessional recycling Safety InstructionsMoisture and cleaning Heat and warmthStacking InstallationMains Power Supply Battery Safety PrecautionsRear View Location of ControlsTop View Basic Operation ConnectionsSleep to Radio Line in JackWake to Radio or Buzzer Snooze FunctionSolution TroubleshootingTechnical Specifications Problem ReasonConseil important pour la protection de l’ouïe Modele Radio-réveil avec grand affichage LCDPlus D’INFORMATIONS Mesures DE SecuriteRecyclage professionnel Mesures DE SécuritéLa chaleur et sources de chaleur Humidité et nettoyagePrécautions de Sécurité de la pile EmpilementAlimentation secteur Vue Arrière Localisation des commandesVue du dessus Fonctionnement Simple Connexions’endormir avec la radio Prise line’éveiller avec la radio ou avec le Buzzer Fonction SommeilProblème Cause Guide de dépannageSpécifications techniques Vigyázat Modell Rádiós óra nagy LCD kijelzővelKiegészítő Információk Biztonsági ElőírásokElőírásos hulladék-elhelyezés Biztonsági ElőírásokMeleg és forróság Nedvesség és tisztításAz elemekkel kapcsolatos óvintézkedések Üzembe helyezésElhelyezés Hálózati csatlakozásHátulnézet Kezelőszervek elhelyezkedéseFelülnézet Alapvető műveletek CsatlakozásokElalvás rádióval Line in csatlakozóÉbresztés rádióval vagy berregővel Szundi funkcióMűszaki jellemzők Problem Indok MegoldásHibaelhárítás Istruzioni DI Sicurezza ModelloRadio sveglia con display LCD grande Informazioni AggiuntiveRiciclaggio professionale Istruzioni DI SicurezzaRiscaldamento e calore Umidità e puliziaPrecauzioni di sicurezza per la batteria InstallazioneCircuito d’attesa AlimentazioneVisione posteriore Posizione dei comandiVisione dall’alto Funzioni base ConnessioniDa silenzioso a radio Presa lineSveglia con radio o suoneria Funzione SnoozeSpecifiche tecniche Problemi e soluzioniProblema Causa Soluzione ¡Peligro Modelo Radio reloj con gran pantalla LCDInformación Adicional Instrucciones DE SeguridadReciclaje profesional Instrucciones DE SeguridadCalor Humedad y limpiezaPrecauciones de seguridad de la pila InstalaciónUbicación Fuente de voltajeVista Inferior Situación de los controlesVista Superior Funcionamiento básico ConexionesReposo con la radio Jack lineLevantarse con la radio o el zumbido Función siestaEspecificaciones Técnicas Guía solucionador de problemasProblema Razón Solución Instrucções DE Segurança Modelo Rádio Despertador com Visor LCD GrandeMais Informações Reciclagem Profissional Instruções DE SegurançaHumidade e Limpeza Precauções de Segurança das Pilhas InstalaçãoInstalação em pilha Fonte de alimentaçãoVista Traseira Localização dos ControlosVista de Cima Funções Básicas LigaçõesTemporizador com Rádio e Despertador com Rádio ou Toque Entrada lineFunção Snooze Temporizador com RádioProblema Razão Solução Resolução DE ProblemasInformacje dotyczące ochrony słuchu Uwaga Model Radiobudzik z dużym wyświetlaczem LCDDalsze Inforamcje Środki OstrożnościPozbywanie się baterii Środki OstrożnościCiepło Wilgoć oraz czyszczenieBaterie- środki ostrożności InstalacjaPrzechowywanie w pozycji pionowej Zasilanie sieciWidok z tyłu Lokalizacja elementów sterowaniaWidok z góry Podstawowe działanie PołączeniaZasypianie przy radiu Gniazdo lineFunkcja drzemki Specyfikacje techniczne Rozwiązywanie problemówProblem Przyczyna Rozwiązanie Belangrijk advies omtrent het gehoor Opgelet Model Klokradio met Grote LCD DisplayBijkomende Informatie VeligheidsmaatregelenProfessionele recycling VeligheidsmaatregelenHitte en warmte Vocht en reinigingVoorzorgsmaatregels m.b.t. batterijen InstallerenOpstapelen StroomnetwerkaansluitingAchteraanzicht Plaats van de BedieningenBovenaanzicht Basis Gebruik AansluitingenSlapen met de Radio Line in ingangWakker worden met de Radio of de Buzzer DoezelfunctieOplossing ProbleemoplossingTechnische Specificaties Probleem RedenDůležitá rada týkající se ochrany sluchu Upozornění Model Rádiobudík s velkým LCD displejemDoplňující Informace Bezpečnostní PokynySběr odpadu Bezpečnostní PokynyTeplo a horko Vlhkost a čištěníBezpečnostní opatření týkající se baterie InstalaceUkládání na sebe Napájení ze sítěPohled zezadu Umístění ovládacích prvkůPohled shora Základní obsluha PřipojeníČasovač automatického vypnutí rádia Line in konektorBuzení rádiem/budíkem Funkce SnoozeProblém Příčina Řešení Řešení problémůTechnická data Güvenlİk Talİmatlari Modell Geniş LCD Ekranlı Saatli RadyoHarİcİ Bİlgİler Uygun biçimde arıtma Güvenlİk TalİmatlariSıcaklık ve ısı Rutubet ve temizlikPil Emniyet Kuralları KurulumKonumlama Ana Güç KaynağıArkadan Görünüm Düğmelerin YerleriÜstten Görünüm Önden Görünüm Temel Çalıştırma İşlemleri BağlantılarRadyo ile Uyuma Line in YuvasıRadyo veya Zille Uyanma Uykuya Devam İşleviSorun Sebep Çözüm Sorun GİdermeTeknik Özellikler Recomandare importanta pentru protectia auditiva Atentie Model Radio cu Ceas si Ecran Larg LCDInformatii Suplimentare Instructiuni de SigurantaReciclare profesionala Instructiuni DE SigurantaSupraincalzire si incalzire Umezeala si curatareMasuri de Siguranta pentru Baterii InstalareaInaltare Cablul de alimentareVedere din Spate Pozitia Tastelor de ControlVedere de Sus Functionare Standard ConexiuniRadio la Culcare Mufa lineTrezirea cu Radio sau Buzzer Functiunea AtipireSpecificaţii tehnice Problema Motiv SoluţieDepanare Предупреждение Допълнителна ИнформацияУпътване за безопастност Важен съвет отнасящ се до защита на слуха ПредупреждениеПрофесионално рециклиране Упътване за безопастностГорещина и топлина Влага и почистванеПредпазни мерки за батериите ПоложениеЗахранване от електрическата мрежа Изглед отгоре Изглед отпред Разположение на копчетата и механизмитеУправление на часовника ИзводиЗаспиване с радио Line in Жак за външни устройстваФункция за забавено/отложено събуждане Причина Решение Отстраняване НА ПроблемиТехнически характеристики Указания ПО Технике Безопасности Model Часы-радио с большим ЖК дисплеемДальнейшая Информация Профессиональная переработка Указания ПО Технике БезопасностиТепло и влажность Влага и очисткаМеры предосторожности при обращении с батарейками УстановкаЭлектропитание Вид сзади Расположение кнопокВид сверху Основные операции ПодключенияАвтоматическое выключение радио Гнездо lineПробуждение от радио или будильника Функция повторного сигнала будильникаПроблема Причина Устранение неисправностейТехническая спецификация 01/08