Lincoln Electric SVM 113-A service manual Toc

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4.ADJUST LOW IDLE: Using a piece of dowel rod or a long screw driver, push the governor arm back until the Carburetor Throttle Lever rests against the Low Idle Speed screw. See Figure F.12. You can also push the arm back with your hand, but this is not recommended because you could be burned by the hot muffler. Adjust the Low Idle Speed screw until the fre- quency counter reading is 34.1 Hz.

Set the Idler Switch set on AUTO. The engine should go to low idle in about 12 seconds.

Use the 3/8" wrench to turn the adjust- ment nut on the idler solenoid plunger, which changes the amount of throw in the governor arm. See Figure F.13 for loca- tion of the adjustment nut. Adjust the nut until the frequency counter reads between

35.8 and 37.7 Hz.

5.After you set the low idle speed, set the Idler Switch to HIGH and recheck the high idle speed. Adjust if necessary.

Oscilloscope Method:

1.Connect the oscilloscope according to the manufacturer's instructions. At 3700 RPM, the waveform should exhibit a peri- od of 16.2 milliseconds. Refer to the NOR-

MAL OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE WAVE- FORM (115 VAC SUPPLY) HIGH IDLE - NO LOAD in this section of the manual. At 2200 RPM, the waveform should exhibit a period of 27.3 milliseconds.

2.Start the engine and check the oscillo- scope. With the Idler Switch set on HIGH, the waveform should exhibit a period of 16.2 milliseconds. With the Idler Switch set on AUTO (and after the machine has changed speeds, about 12 seconds) the waveform should exhibit a period of 27.3 milliseconds. If either of these readings is wrong, adjust as follows:


a.If the waveform period is less than 16.2 milliseconds, turn the High Idle Increase Speed screw counter-clock- wise several turns. Turn the High Idle Decrease Speed screw clockwise until the waveform period is 16.2 millisec- onds. See Figure F.12.

Next, turn the High Idle Increase Speed screw clockwise until the screw contacts the tab on the Governor Control Lever. Do NOT tighten the screw any further, as this may cause the tab to bend. See Figure F.12.

b.If the waveform period is greater than 16.2 milliseconds, turn the High Idle Decrease Speed screw counter-clock- wise several turns. Turn the High Idle Increase Speed screw clockwise until the waveform period is 16.2 millisec- onds. See Figure F.12.

Next, turn the High Idle Decrease Speed screw clockwise until the screw contacts the tab on the Governor Control Lever. Do NOT tighten the screw any further, as this may cause the tab to bend. See Figure F.12.

c.After the adjustments are made, try to move the Governor Control Lever. There should be no movement. The two high idle speed screws are designed to work against opposite sides of the Governor Control Lever tab so that no movement–(and there- fore no increase in speed–) is possible.

4.ADJUST LOW IDLE: Using a piece of dowel rod or a long screw driver, push the governor arm back until the Carburetor Throttle Lever rests against the Low Idle Speed screw. See Figure F.13. You can also push the arm back with your hand, but this is not recommended because you could be burned by the hot muffler. Adjust the Low Idle Speed screw until the wave- form period is approximately 29 millisec- onds.

Set the Idler Switch on AUTO. The engine should go to low idle in about 12 seconds.

Use the 3/8" wrench to turn the adjust- ment nut on the idler solenoid plunger, which changes the amount of throw in the governor arm. See Figure F.13. for loca- tion of the adjustment nut. Adjust the nut until the waveform period is 27.3 millisec- onds.

5.After you set the low idle speed, set the Idler Switch to HIGH and recheck the high idle speed. Adjust if necessary.


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Contents Weldanpowertm Safety California Proposition 65 WarningsElectric Shock can kill Cylinder may explode if damaged Précautions DE Sûreté Master Table of Contents for ALL Sections Table of Contents Installation Section Installation Technical Specifications WeldanpowerStoring Safety PrecautionsLocation and Ventilation PRE-OPERATION Engine Service Electrical Output Connections Welding Cable ConnectionsPlugs and HAND-HELD Equipment Auxiliary Power ReceptaclesMachine Grounding Premises Wiring Circuit BreakersThese Devices Without Table of Contents Operation Section Safety Instructions OperationOperating Instructions General DescriptionOperational Features and Controls Design Features AdvantagesRecommended Applications Welding CapabilityControls and Settings WELDER/GENERATOR ControlsGasoline Engine Controls Figure B.2 Gasoline Engine ControlsStarting the Engine Engine OperationBefore Starting the Engine Stopping the Engine For Best Engine StartingWelding Operation BREAK-IN PeriodGeneral Information LOW OIL SensingTo USE the Weldanpower 125 for WELD- ING TIG WeldingTable B.2 Electrode Selection Guide Auxiliary Power To USE the Weldanpower 125 AS AN Auxiliary Power SupplyTable B.3 Generator Power Applications Table of Contents Accessories Briggs and Stratton Accessories OPTIONS/ACCESSORIESLincoln Electric Accessories Table of Contents Maintenance Routine and Periodic Maintenance Engine MaintenanceFigure D.3 Clean Finger Guard MaintanenceFigure D.5 SET Spark Plug GAP WELDER/GENERATOR Maintenance Table D.2 Engine Maintenance PartsFigure D.6 Major Component Locations Table of Contents Theory of Operation Section ENGINE, EXCITATION, Rotor and Stator Idler BoardRotor Field Feedback Auxiliary Power Engine Idle Control Auxiliary Power Overcurrent ProtectionWeld WINDING, Output Rectifier and Choke Figure E.4 Weld WINDING, Output Rectifier and ChokeTable of Contents Trouble Shooting & Repair Section Troubleshooting & Repair HOW to USE Troubleshooting GuidePC Board Troubleshooting Procedures Electric Shock can killTroubleshooting Guide Output ProblemsOutput Rectifier Troubleshooting & Repair Perform the Engine Throttle Engine Problems Main Stator Winding Test Engine Throttle Adjustment Troubleshooting & Repair Weldanpower Materials Needed Rotor Voltage TestTest Description Test Procedure Rotor Voltage TestRotor Resistance Test Rotor Resistance Test Figure F.3 Brushes Retained with Cable TIE Output Rectifier Bridge Test Output Rectifier Bridge Test Main Stator Test Main Stator Test Figure F.6 Main Stator Molex Plug Test Points Rotor Flashing Circuit Test Rotor Flashing Circuit Test WP125 Idler Engine Throttle Adjustment Test Test Procedure Figure F.12 Idle Speed Adjustment Screw Locations Figure F.13 LOW Idle Adjustment NUT on Idler Solenoid TOC High Idle no Load Output Control AT Maximum Scope SettingsNormal Open Circuit Weld Voltage Waveform Normal Open Circuit Voltage Waveform 115 VAC Supply Machine Loaded to 125 Amps AT 25 VAC Typical Weld Output WaveformMachine Loaded Abnormal Open Circuit Weld Voltage Waveform Brush Removal and Replacement DescriptionProcedure Figure F.14 Brushes Retained with Cable TIEProcedure Rheostat Removal and Replacement Rheostat Removal and Replacement Field Capacitor Removal and Replacement Field Capacitor Removal and Replacement Field Diode Bridge Removal and Replacement Field Diode Bridge Removal and Replacement Figure F.18 Field Diode Bridge Location Idler Printed Circuit Board Removal Replacement Carefully remove the board Output Rectifier Bridge Removal Replacement Output Rectifier Bridge Removal and Replacement Troubleshooting & Repair Output Choke Removal and Replacement Output Choke Removal and Replacement Section TOC STATOR/ROTOR Removal and Replacement InstructionsStator Removal Procedure Troubleshooting & Repair Rotor Removal Procedure Reassembly ProcedureFigure F.24 Checking ROTOR-STATOR AIR GAP Feeler Gauge Troubleshooting & Repair Auxiliary Power Receptacle OUTPUT1 Retest After RepairEngine Output WELDER/GENERATOR OUTPUT1Weldanpower Table of Contents Diagrams Section Wiring Diagram Code 10158 Idler PC Board M17578 DiagramsSchematic Dimension Print Weldanpower Weldanpower M17578 Idler PC Board M17578-1M17578 Idler PC Board Bill of Materials DescriptionWeldanpower