Local Operation 4
Slew Rate
User defined maximum pressure rate of change. The Calibrator is designed to control with minimum overshoot into a wide variety of external volumes at its highest slew rate. Therefore, in most applications it is recommended that the slew rate be set at its maximum rate value. This provides the highest speed control without jeopardizing overshoot or control stability properties. The only application where the operator may wish to slow down the slew rate (control speed) is in applications where the device under test could be damaged by high rate of pressure change. The Calibrator control algorithm tries to limit the rate of pressure change to the slew rate. On Calibrator’s will full scale pressures ranges less than 10 psi (70 kPa), it is common to reduce the slew rate to less than 25% of full scale to improve on control overshoot characteristics.
Slew Limit
The slew limit is used by the system to assure that the slew rate is not exceeded. If the slew rate is exceeded, the Calibrator will change from the control mode to the measure mode and it will generate an error message to the operator.
The test access password allows the user to protect access to Calibrator configuration and programs. If the test access password is set to any number other than zero (factory default), it is required before the user is allowed to change the limits, control parameters or programs.
It is recommended that the access password be recorded and filed in a secure location.
Menu Setup — User
The Menu Setup User menu is used to setup all of the user specific configurations. This includes setting the control step size, range of