RUSKA 7350
Users Manual
ANSI/IEEE 488.2-1987 Command Summary
*CLS |
| Clear Status |
*ESE? |
| Event Status Enable Query |
*ESE | <number> | Event Status Enable |
*ESR? |
| Event Status Register |
*IDN? |
| Identification |
*OPC? |
| Operation Complete Query (Returns 1) |
*OPC |
| Operation Complete |
*RST |
| Reset |
*SRE? |
| Service Request Enable Query |
*SRE | <number> | Service Request Enable |
*STB? |
| Status Byte Query |
*TST? |
| |
*WAI |
| Wait (No operation) |
SCPI Command Summary
The current value associated with a SCPI command may be read by appending a question mark to the command. For example CALC:LIM:UPP? will return the current upper pressure limit.
MEASure |
[:PRESsure]? | returns current pressure reading | |
:POSITION? | returns pump position (%) | |
CALCulate |
:LIMit |
:LOWer | <number> | get/set low pressure limit |
:SLEW | <number> | get/set slew rate limit |
:UPPer | <number> | get/set high pressure limit |
:VENT <number> | get/set | |
:VALue <number> | get/set tare value | |
:STATe ON/OFF | set tare using current pressure | |
CALibration |
[:PRESsure] |
| |
:Data |
:POINts ? | number of calibration constants | |
:VALue<n>? | returns cal constants label, value | |
:VALue<n> <number> | set calibration constant | |
:CALibration |
| |
:POINts? | number of calibration points | |
:VALue? | Nominal calibration point | |
:VALue<n> <number> | perform calibration point | |
| performs zero calibration |
:VALUE <number> | sets zero value | |
:INITiate | enter zero calibration mode | |
:INITiate? | returns status for cal, press, temp, ref | |
:RUN | start zero calibration | |
:STOP | abort zero calibration | |
:POSition |
:DATA <number>, <number> | sets C0, C1 position | |
:DATA? |
| reads C0, C1 |
:VALue <number> | sets first calibration point | |
:VALue 2 <number> | sets second calibration point |