Place the gouge on the edge of the tool rest so that the grind of the chisel forms an approximate right angle with the workpiece (Fig. A33). Allow the chisel to contact the workpiece at the center of the cutting edge. Hold the tool so that the centerline of the gouge is pointing directly toward the center of the revolving stock. This starting position is important to prevent the gouge from running along the surface of the workpiece.
From the starting position, push the gouge into the workpiece and roll the tool on the rest. A triple action takes place here. (1) Roll the chisel to follow the shape of the cut,
(2)drop the handle slightly so that the portion already cut will force the lip of the chisel sideways and, (3) push the chisel forward so that at the end of the cut (Fig. A34), the chisel will be well up on the workpiece and tangent with the cut surface. Make only
Fig. A35
Fig. A37
Fig. A33
Fig. A34
Fig. A36
Fig. A38