Fig. 1 — Horizontal Conversion Panels
(Viewed from Duct End)
Curb should be level. Unit leveling tolerances are shown in Fig. 3. This is necessary for unit drain to function properly. Re- fer to Accessory Roof Curb Installation Instructions for addi- tional information as required.
SLAB MOUNT (Horizontal Units Only) — Provide a level concrete slab that extends a minimum of 6 in. beyond unit cab- inet. Install a gravel apron in front of condenser coil air inlet to prevent grass and foliage from obstructing airflow.
NOTE: Horizontal units may be installed on a roof curb if required.
Step 2 — Field Fabricate Ductwork — Secure all ducts to roof curb and building structure on vertical units. Do not connect ductwork to unit. For horizontal applications, field- supplied flanges should be attached to horizontal discharge openings and all ductwork should be secured to the flanges. In- sulate and weatherproof all external ductwork, joints, and roof openings with counter flashing and mastic in accordance with applicable codes.
Ducts passing through an unconditioned space must be in- sulated and covered with a vapor barrier.
If a plenum return is used on a vertical unit, the return should be ducted through the roof deck to comply with applica- ble fire codes.
A minimum clearance is not required around ductwork. Cabinet return air static shall not exceed
These units are designed for a minimum continuous return- air temperature of 50 F (dry bulb), or an intermittent operation down to 45 F (dry bulb) (in heating mode), such as when used with a night
Step 3 — Install External Trap for Condensate Drain — The unit’s
When using the standard side drain connection, make sure the plug (Red) in the alternate bottom connection is tight before installing the unit.
To use the bottom drain connection for a roof curb installa- tion, relocate the
All units must have an external trap for condensate drain- age. Install a trap at least
Step 4 — Rig and Place Unit — Inspect unit for transportation damage. File any claim with transportation agency. Keep unit upright and do not drop. Spreader bars are not required if top crating is left on unit. Rollers may be used to move unit across a roof. Level by using unit frame as a refer- ence. See Table 1 and Fig. 5 for additional information.
Lifting holes are provided in base rails as shown in Fig. 6. Refer to rigging instructions on unit.
All panels must be in place when rigging and lifting.