Controls VAV and CV
–Supply Fan IGV/ Supply Fan VFD - Max (if so equipped)
–Exhaust Fan - On; Exhaust Dampers Open (if so equipped)
–OA Dampers - Open; Return Damper - Closed
–Heat - All heat stages off; Mod Heat output at 0 vdc
–Occupied/Unoccupied/VAV box output - Energized
–VOM Relay - Energized
–Preheat Output - Off
–Return Fan - On; Exhaust Dampers - Open (if so equipped)
–Return VFD - Max (if so equipped)
–OA Bypass Dampers - Open (if so equipped)
–Exhaust Bypass Dampers - Open (if so equipped)
5.PURGE with duct pressure control sequence “E”
This sequence can be used when supply air control is required for smoke control.
–Supply Fan - On
–Supply Fan IGV / Supply Fan VFD - (If so equipped) Controlled by Supply Air Pressure Control function; Supply Air Pressure High Limit disabled
–Exhaust Fan - On; Exhaust Dampers Open (if so equipped)
–OA Dampers - Open; Return Damper - Closed
–Heat - All heat stages off; Mod Heat output at 0 vdc
–Occupied/Unoccupied/VAV box output - Energized
–VOM Relay - Energized
–Preheat Output - Off
–Return Fan - On; Exhaust Dampers - Open (if so equipped)
–Return VFD - Max (if so equipped)
–OA Bypass Dampers - Open (if so equipped)
–Exhaust Bypass Dampers - Open (if so equipped)
Figure 13. Human Interface Panel (HI)
Human Interface Panel (HI)
The Human Interface (HI) Panel provides a 2 line X 40 character clear English liquid crystal display and a 16 button keypad for monitoring, setting, editing and controlling. The Human Interface Panel is mounted in the unit's main control panel and is accessible through an independent door. See Figure 13, p. 18
The optional remote mount version of the Human Interface (RHI) Panel has all the functions of the unit mount version except Service Mode. To use a RHI the unit must be equipped with an optional Inter- Processor Communications Bridge (IPCB) module. The RHI can be located up to 1000 feet from the unit. A single RHI can be used to monitor and control up to four (4) air handlers, each containing an IPCB.
Human Interface Panel Main Menu
•STATUS - used to monitor all temperatures, pressures, humidities, setpoints, input and output status.
•CUSTOM - allows the user to create a custom status menu consisting of up to four (4) screens of the data available in the Status menu.
•SETPOINTS - used to review and/ or modify all the factory preset Default setpoints and setpoint source selections.
•DIAGNOSTICS - used to review active and historical lists of diagnostic conditions. Over one hundred different diagnostics can be read at the Human Interface Panel. The last 20 unique diagnostics can be held in an active history buffer log.
•SETUP - Control parameters, sensor source selections, function enable/disable, output definitions, and numerous other points can be edited in this menu. All points have factory preset values so unnecessary editing is kept to a minimum.
•CONFIGURATION - Preset with the proper configuration for the unit as it ships from the factory, this information would be edited only if certain features were physically added or deleted from the unit. For example, if a field supplied Ventilation Override Module was added to the unit in the field, the unit configuration would need to be edited to reflect that feature.
•SERVICE - used to selectively control outputs (for fans, damper position, etc.) for servicing or troubleshooting the unit. This menu is accessible only at the unit mounted Human Interface Panel.
Generic Building Automation System Module (GBAS 0-5 vdc)
The Generic Building Automation System Module (GBAS
Analog Inputs - Four analog inputs, controlled via a field provided potentiometer or a
1.Occupied Zone Cooling Setpoint (CV only)
2.Unoccupied Zone Cooling Setpoint (CV only)
3.Occupied Zone Heating Setpoint (CV only)
4.Unoccupied Zone Heating Setpoint (CV only)
5.Supply Air Cooling Setpoint (VAV only)
6.Supply Air Heating Setpoint (VAV only)
7.Space Static Pressure Setpoint