Kompernass PWS 230 manual 10 GB/IE/CY

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JIf you use the device outdoors, always connect it through a residual current device (RCD) with a maximum trip current of 30 mA. If using an extension lead, always use one that is approved for outdoor use.

JDo not suspend or carry the device by the mains lead. Always work with the mains lead leading away from the rear of the device.

JGrinding discs must be carefully kept and han- dled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

JMake sure that abrasive consumables and tools are attached in accordance with the manufac- turer’s instructions and advice.

JEnsure that any spacers supplied or required for the use of certain abrasive consumables and tools are properly installed.

JBefore you use the device make sure that the abrasive consumable or tool is correctly attached and firmly fastened in place. Allow the tool to run under no-load conditions for 30 seconds in a safe position. Stop the device immediately if a significant amount of vibration occurs or if any defects are found. In this event check over the machine to find the cause of the problem.

JNever use the electrical power tool without its disc guard cover, if it was supplied with one.

JWhen using abrasive consumables and tools with a threaded insert make sure that the threaded hole is long enough for the spindle length.

JDo not work in areas where there may be con- cealed electricity cables or gas or water pipes. Use a suitable detector or ask your local utility service providers. Contact with electricity cables can lead to fire or electric shock.

Damaging a gas pipe can lead to an explosion. Penetration of a water pipe can lead to property damage or to electric shock.

Danger of fire from flying sparks! Cutting or grinding metal creates flying sparks. For this reason, always make sure that nobody is placed in any danger and that there are no inflammable materials near the working area.

mWarning! Noxious fumes! Working with harmful / noxious dusts represents a risk to the health of the person operating the device and to anyone near the working area.


JWear hearing protection, protective glasses, a dust protection mask and protective gloves.

JFor longer periods of cutting or grinding wood, metal or stone materials that give rise to dusts that are hazardous to health, connect the device to a suitable external vacuum dust extraction device.

JConnect a suitable vacuum dust extraction de- vice when you are working on stone or masonry. The vacuum dust extraction device must be one

approved for use with stone dusts.

mWarning! Danger of electric shock from metal dust! Machining metal can result in electrically conductive dust being deposited inside the device. In these circumstances the inside of the motor compartment must be blown out at frequent intervals with compressed air, vacuum dust extraction used and the device operated through a residual current device

(RCD) with a maximum trip current of 30 mA.

JEnsure that there is adequate ventilation when machining surfaces containing plastic or cov- ered with paint, varnish etc.

JDo not soak the materials or the surface you are about to work on with liquids containing solvents. The heat generated during abrasion can give rise to poisonous vapours or gases that are hazardous to health.

JWear close-fitting clothing and keep long hair inside a hairnet or suitable headwear.

JFor safety reasons this tool must always be used with the auxiliary handle in place.

JThe adjustable disc guard cover must always be in place when working with roughing / grinding or cutting discs.

JUse the vacuum dust extraction facility if your work generates large amounts of dust. Use vacuum dust extraction devices particularly ap- proved for the purpose.

JUse permitted consumables and tools only. Check that the speed given on the discs is greater than or equal to the rated no-load speed of the device.

JEnsure that the dimensions of the abrasive con- sumable or tool matches the grinder.

JTake note of the direction of rotation and always

Image 8
Contents Angle Grinder Page Table of Content Features and equipment IntroductionAngle grinder PWS Proper use Introduction / Safety Safety advice Workplace safety Technical information Electrical safetySafety Personal safetyDamaged device, mains lead or Wear personal protective equipmentNever hold the device itself in a vice Careful handling and use of electrical power toolsSafety advice relating specifically to this device 10 GB/IE/CY Handle the device carefully and treat it with respect Do not use cutting discs sideways for grindingOriginal accessories / attachments Safety / Preparing for useAdvice on use Switching on and off Preparing for use / Operation Attaching the auxiliary handle Attaching and replacing roughing / grinding / cutting discsDisposal Maintenance and cleaningService centre Information Declaration of Conformity / ManufacturerPage Sisällysluettelo Yleistä Kulmahiomakone PWSVarustelu Ohjeidenmukainen käyttöYleistä / Turvallisuus Varoitus! Räjähdysvaara TurvallisuusHenkilöturvallisuus Sähkötyökalujen oikeaoppinen käyttö Laitekohtaiset turvaohjeetVarmista, että hiomatyökalun mitat sopivat hio- makoneelle Varmista, että laikan mitat ovat laitteen mittojen mukaisiaHiomatyökalu ei pysähdy välittömästi TyöskentelyohjeitaNoudata voitelua ja työkalujen vaihtoa koskevia ohjeita Pikalukituksella varustetun laikansuojuksen asennus Turvallisuus / KäyttöönottoAlkuperäiset varusteet / lisälaitteet Käyttöönotto /Käyttö  Lisäkahvan asentaminenRouhinta- / katkaisulaikan asennus / vaihto Virran kytkeminen ja katkaiseminenHuolto ja puhdistus HävittäminenHuolto Vaatimustenmukaisuus- vakuutus / ValmistajaInnehållsförteckning InledningSäkerhet AnvändningInledning Vinkelslip PWS InledningAvsedd användning De olika delarnaInledning / Säkerhet Säkerhet PersonsäkerhetEn skadad apparat, nätsladd eller Varning! ExplosionsriskOmsorgsfull hantering och användning av elverktyg Säkerhetsanvisningar speciellt avsedda för detta verktygSpänn aldrig fast verktyget i ett skruvstäd Dra ut nätsladden ur vägguttaget direkt om ris- ker uppstårSådan finns med i leveransen Varning! Giftiga gaser! Bearbetning av skadligt / giftigtKontrollera att slipverktygets mått passar i vin- kelslipen Kontrollera att rondellens diameter passar till verktygetArbetstips Skrubbslipning Använd aldrig kaprondeller för att skrubbaSäkerhet / Användning Originaltillbehör / - extra verktygMontera skyddskåpa med snabblåsning Montera extrahandtagUnderhåll och rengöring Användning / Handhavande / Underhåll och rengöringMontera / byta skrubb- / kaprondell Service Underhåll och rengöring / Avfallshantering / InformationAvfallshantering Konformitetsdeklaration / tillverkarintygIndholdsfortegnelse Indledning Vinkelsliber PWS IndledningFormålsbestemt anvendelse UdstyrIndledning / Sikkerhed Sikkerhed Personlig sikkerhedOmhu i omgangen med elektriske redskaber Sikkerhedsinstrukser for dette apparatBrandfare fra flyvende gnister Undgå abnormal kropsholdning Brug ikke skæreskiver til at slibe sidelæns medSikkerhed / Ibrugtagning ArbejdsinstrukserOriginalt tilbehør / - ekstraudstyr Montering af sikkerhedskappen med hurtiglukkeIbrugtagning / Betjening Montage af ekstrahåndgrebetMontage / udskiftning af skrub- / skæreskive Start og stopPasning og rengøring BortskaffelseLad derpå maskingrebet 1 låse sig fast Før alle slags arbejder på maskinen skal stikket trækkes udVi, Kompernaß GmbH, Burgstr Bochum, Tyskland, erklærer InformationerKonformitetserklæring / Fremstiller Page Innholdsfortegnelse InnledningSikkerhet OpplysningerInnledning Vinkelsliper PWSUtstyr Forskriftsmessig brukInnledning / Sikkerhet For elektrisk støt SikkerhetPersonsikkerhet Bruk bare skjøteledning som er tillatt for bruk utendørs Omhyggelig håndtering og bruk av elektrisk verktøySikkerhetshenvisninger som er spesifikk for apparatet Bruk apparatet bare for å tørrkutte og / eller tørrslipe Sikkerhet Sikkerhet / Igangsettelse  Merknader om arbeidetOriginaltilbehør / originale ekstra apparater IgangsettelseIgangsettelse / Betjening Hvordan du monterer vernehetten med skruelukketHvordan du monterer ekstra håndtaket Montere / bytte skrubbeskiven / skiven til vinkelsliperAvfallshåndtering Hvordan du slår på og avVedlikehold og rengjøring Opplysninger Erklæring om samsvar / produsentPage Πίνακας περιεχομένων Εισαγωγή Γωνιακός λειαντήρας PWS ΕισαγωγήΧρήση σύμφωνα με τους κανονισμούς ΕξοπλισμόςΕισαγωγή / Ασφάλεια Υποδείξεις ασφάλειαςΠεριεχόμενα παράδοσης Τεχνικά δεδομέναΑσφάλεια Ηλεκτρική ασφάλειαΑσφάλεια ατόμων Αποφύγετε τον κίνδυνο για τη ζωή από ηλεκτροπληξίαΑσφαλής λειτουργία και χρήση ηλεκτρονικών συσκευών Υποδείξεις ασφάλειας που αφορούν στη συσκευή Κίνδυνος πρόκλησης πυρκαγιάς εξαιτίας σπινθιρισμού Προστατεύει από σκόνη και προστα- τευτικά γάντιαΑποφεύγετε να παίρνετε ακατάλληλη στάση σώματος Υποδείξεις εργασίας Αποφύγετε την άσκοπη χρήση της συσκευήςΑσφάλεια / Θέση σε λειτουργία Αυθεντικά εξαρτήματα / πρόσθετες συσκευέςΣυναρμολόγηση πρόσθετης χειρολαβής Μοντάρισμα προστατευτικού καλύμματος με ταχύ κλείστροΑφήνετε να ασφαλίσει η λαβή της συσκευής Θέση σε λειτουργία / ΧειρισμόςΕνεργοποίηση και απενεργοποίηση Συντήρηση και καθαρισμός / Απόσυρση / Πληροφορίες Συντήρηση και καθαρισμόςΑπόσυρση ΣέρβιςΠληροφορίες Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης / κατασκευαστήςPage Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung Winkelschleifer PWS EinleitungBestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch AusstattungEinleitung / Sicherheit Sicherheit Sicherheit von PersonenSofort den Netzstecker Tragen Sie persönliche SchutzausrüSorgfältigerUmgang Und Gebrauch von Elektrowerkzeugen Gerätespezifische SicherheitshinweiseSchine, um die Ursache zu ermitteln Staub zugelassen seinSchrupp- oder Trennscheibe Lassen Sie das ausgeschaltete Gerät zumHinweise zur Statik Schlitzen z. B. in tragende Wände ArbeitshinweiseStillstand kommen, bevor Sie es ablegen Sicherheit / Inbetriebnahme Originalzubehör / -zusatzgeräteSchutzhaube mit Schnellverschluss montieren Verwenden Sie das Gerät niemals zweckent- fremdetInbetriebnahme / Bedienung Zusatz-Handgriff montierenSchrupp- / Trennscheibe montieren / wechseln Ein- und AusschaltenEntfernen Sie anhaftenden Schleifstaub mit einem Pinsel Wartung und ReinigungEntsorgung Werfen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge nicht in den HausmüllInformationen Konformitätserklärung /  Hersteller