Operator Interface
DynaView™ (DV) is the operator interface of the Tracer CH530 control system utilized on the CTV machine. The DynaView™ enclosure is 9.75" wide, 8” high and 1.6” deep. The DynaView™ display is approximately 4” wide by 3” high. Features of the display include a touch screen and long life LED backlight. This device is capable of operating in 0 - 95 percent relative humidity
Touch screen key functions are determined completely in the software and change depending upon the subject matter currently being displayed. The user operates the touch sensitive buttons by touching the button of choice. The selected button is darkened to indicate it is the selected choice. The advantage of touch sensitive buttons is that the full range of possible choices as well as the current choice is always in view.
Spin values (up or down) are a graphical user interface model used to allow a continuously variable setpoint, such as leaving water setpoint to be changed. The value changes by touching the increment or decrement arrows.
Action buttons are buttons that appear temporarily and provide the operator with a choice such as Enter or Cancel. The operator indicates his choice by touching the button of choice. The system then takes the appropriate action and the button typically disappears.
DynaView™ consists of various screens, each meant to serve a unique purpose of the machine being served. Tabs are shown across the top of the display. The user selects a screen of information by touching the appropriate tab. The folder that is selected will be brought to the front so it’s contents are visable
The main body of the screen is used for description text, data, setpoints, or keys (touch sensitive areas) The double up arrows cause a page by page scroll either up or down. The single arrow causes a line by line scroll to occur. At the end of the screen, the appropriate scroll buttons will disappear. Wrap around will not occur.
The bottom of the screen is the persistent area. It is present in all screens and performs the following functions. The left circular area is used to reduce the contrast and viewing angle of the display. The right circular area is used to increase the contrast and viewing angle of the display. The contrast control will be limited to avoid complete “light” or complete “dark”, which would potentially confuse an unfamiliar user to thinking the display was malfunctioning.
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