Control Sequence of Operation
Now that the compressor motor (4M1) is running in the ‘‘Delta’’ configuration, the inlet guide vanes will modulate, opening and closing to the chiller load variation by operation of the stepper vane motor actuator (4M2) 4M4 (extended capacity) to satisfy chilled water setpoint. The chiller continues to run in its appropriate mode of operation: Normal, Softload, Limit Mode, etcetera. As explained in the General Information section.
If the chilled water temperature drops below the chilled water set point by an amount set as the ‘‘differential to stop’’ setpoint, a normal chiller stop sequence is initiated as follows: (Refer to Figure 10.)
1.The inlet guide vanes are driven closed for 50 seconds.
2.After the 50 seconds has elapsed, the stop relay
If the STOP key is pressed on the operator interface, the chiller will
follow the same stop sequence as above except the chilled water pump relay
If the “Immediate Stop” is initiated, a panic stop occurs which follows the same stop sequence as pressing the STOP key once except the inlet guide vanes are not sequence closed and the compressor motor is immediately turned off.
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