Frequently Asked Questions


Table 10 Frequently Asked Questions (continued)


Where can I get more information about the MBA boot ROM?

For more information on using and configuring the MBA boot ROM, see Chapter 5 in this user guide or refer to the Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA) User Guide included on the MBA Utility diskette.

General information about the MBA boot ROM is available on the 3Com World Wide Web site:



Which PCI slot should I

3Com PCI NICs are designed to work in any

use for my PCI NIC?

bus-mastering PCI slot, preferably slot 1. Normally,


slot 1 is marked on the PC motherboard and is located


closest to the PC power supply.


Avoid any PCI slot next to an ISA slot. This is often a


shared slot and does not support bus mastering.


Refer to your PC manual for information on which slots


support bus-mastering data transfers.



Do I have to configure

PCI is a self-configuring bus architecture. Most of the

the NIC?

time you only need to install the NIC in your PC; PCI does


the rest. However, on some PCI computers, you may be


required to configure the computer BIOS manually after


installing your PCI NIC. Refer to the owner’s guide for


your PC.



What interrupts

You should avoid using any interrupts used by ISA/EISA

should I avoid?

boards that do not properly support shared interrupts


(level-triggered). If you do not know or are unsure


whether other devices or adapters in your PC support


shared interrupts, then avoid using them.


Avoid using the same interrupt as your local hard disk


(normally IRQ 14 for IDE drives and IRQ 11 for most SCSI


host adapters), because not all hard disks support shared


interrupts at this time.


Avoid using 9 because it cascades with 2.


For Novell NetWare servers, avoid using IRQ 7 or 15.


These IRQs support only nonshared devices and may


cause problems if they are shared between two devices.



Does the NIC support

Yes, the 3C905C NIC supports full-duplex at 10 Mbps or


100 Mbps.



Does the NIC support

No, the 3C905C NIC does not support NetWare 3.11

NetWare version 3.11

or 4.0x. These versions require the use of a server driver

or 4.0x?

that conforms to the HSM 3.2 specification. 3Com no


longer develops NetWare server drivers that conform to


the HSM 3.2 specification.





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3Com 3C905C-TX-M, 3C905C-TX manual QuestionAnswer