Deciding If Modules Need to Be Replaced At the server command prompt, enter MODULES. The resulting display shows what drivers and modules are currently running on the server. Locate the entries for MSM.NLM and TOKENTSM.NLM. (MSM31X.NLM appears as MSM.NLM.)
If any of the versions currently running is earlier than 2.50, you must replace modules MSM31X.NLM, MSM.NLM, or
The modules on TokenDisk diskette #1 are version 2.50. You can load the server driver as described later in this chapter in “Using the Load Command.”
CAUTION: Using versions of MSM.NLM, MSM31X.NLM, and TOKENTSM.NLM earlier than 2.50 with TLNKPODI.LAN prevents the driver from loading.
Replacing Support Modules To replace support modules with more recent versions, use the steps below to load the support modules from the TokenDisk diskette and copy them to the file server.
1Use the Unload command from the console command prompt to unload any existing server drivers that depend on the support modules you need to replace.
This command will completely unload the drivers from memory and will terminate communication with currently attached network users.
The format of the command is: unload <driver_name>
2Unload the support modules by entering the commands in the order shown below:
unload tokentsm unload msm
3Load the support modules from TokenDisk diskette #1. Enter the following commands when the diskette is in drive A. Use a different drive if necessary:
NetWare 4.1x servers:
load a:\netware\nwserver\4.1x\msm
load a:\netware\nwserver\4.1x\tokentsm