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Two optional time-out procedures are specified for clearing the SCSI bus
if the initiator waits a minimum of a selection time-out delay and there has
been no BSY signal response from the drive.
1. The initiator asserts the RST signal.
2. The initiator follows these steps:
a) Continues asserting the SEL and ATN signals and releases the
b) If it has not detected the BSY signal to be true after at least a
selection abort time plus two deskew delays, releases the SEL
and ATN signals, allowing the SCSI bus to go to the BUS FREE
SCSI devices that respond to the RESELECTION phase must
ensure that the reselection is still valid within a selection abort
time of asserting the BSY signal.
1. The tape drive supports wide asynchronous and synchronous data
2. Both differential and single-ended versions of the tape drive are
3. Odd parity is generated during all information transfer phases during
which the device writes data to the SCSI bus, and parity is checked
during all transfer phases in which data is read from the bus by the
tape drive. Parity checking can be disabled (Chapter 2).
4. The ANSI SCSI specification refers to mini-libraries as medium
changers. In this chapter the term mini-libraries is used to describe
these devices.
5. The DLT8000 supports block size of 1 byte to 16 Mbytes.
6. Disconnects from the SCSI bus are done at regular intervals during
information transfer phases to allow other devices to access the bus.
These disconnects are user-configurable via the Disconnect-
Reconnect Page of the SCSI MODE SELECT command.