 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO
3h Exclusive Access READS: Exclusive; any command from any initiator other than the
initiator holding the persistent reservation that attempts a
transfer from the target results in a reservation conflict.
WRITES: Exclusive; any command from any initiator other than the
initiator holding the persistent reservation that attempts a
transfer to the target results in a reservation conflict.
RESERVATION OUT command with
the Reserve service action from any
initiator other than the initiator holding
the persistent reservation results in a
reservation conflict. The initiator that
holds the persistent reservation can
reserve the logical unit, extents, or
elements as long as the persistent
reservations do not conflict with any
reservations already known to the
device server.
4h Shared Access READS: Shared; any application client on any initiator may execute
commands that perform transfers from the target to the initiator.
WRITES: Shared; ; any application client on any initiator may execute
commands that perform transfers to the target from the
RESERVATION OUT command with
the Reserve service action from any
initiator other than the initiator holding
the persistent reservation results in a
reservation conflict. The initiator that
holds the persistent reservation can
reserve the logical unit, extents, or
elements as long as the persistent
reservations do not conflict with any
reservations already known to the
device server.
5h WRITE Exclusive,
Registrants Only
READS: Shared; any application client on any initiator may execute
commands that perform transfers from the target to the initiator.
WRITES: Exclusive; any command from an initiator that has not
previously performed a Register service action with the device
server that attempts a transfer to the target results in a
reservation conflict
ADDITIONAL RESERVATIONS: Allowed; any initiator may reserve the
logical unit, extents, or elements as
long as the persistent reservations to
not conflict with any reservations
already known to the device server.