7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
The Use Cleaning Tape
indicator continues to be
illuminated steadily after you
have used a cleaning cartridge
to clean the recording head
Your cleaning tape
cartridge may be
Try another cleaning tape
The Use Cleaning Cartridge
indicator is illuminated steadily
while the tape system is in its
tape cleaning process
Cleaning of the system
had has not taken place;
the cartridge has
Wait until the tape is
unloaded and the green
Operate Handle indicator
illuminates. Replace the
cleaning cartridge.
All indicators on the right-hand
side of the front bezel are
There may be a system
fault Operate the handle to
remove the cartridge.
Inspect the tape cartridge. If
the cartridge appears
undamaged, it may be used
again, otherwise, take the
cartridge oout of service.
Reset the tape drive and
load a known good cartridge.
If all indicators on the right-
hand side of the bezel blink
again during the load, have
the tape drive serviced.
* A cleaning cartridge has a life expectancy of about 20 uses.