 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO
FORCEREADSILI ASCII Binary 0 1 To make variable READ command
handled as if the SILI bit is set if set.
CACHETMS ASCII Decimal 0 1 0,1 = Do not cache filemarks unless
IMMED bit is set (if set)
2 = Cache if not two in a row unless
IMMED bit is 1.
3 = Always cache filemarks.
LDRCYCLRESET ASCII Binary 0 1 To cause the first cartridge to be loaded if
unloading the last cartridge when the
loader product is operated in sequential
mode (if set).
ENAREPDECOMP ASCII Binary 0 1 If set and the drive is in READ mode, the
decompression algorithm field in Data
Compression mode will be reset if the last
block requested by the host was
decompressed, otherwise it is cleared.
SCSIRESRELNOP ASCII Binary 0 1 SCSI Reserve / Release Unit commands
are no operation (if set).
DISUNBUFMODE ASCII Binary 0 1 The drive disables unbuffered mode, i.e.,
it ignores the MODE SELECT buffered
mode selection to turn off buffered mode
(if set).
NODEFERRCVDERR ASCII Binary 0 1 The drive reports deferred recovered error
as current recovered error (if set).
CALRETRY ASCII Decimal 2 1 0 = no retry
1 = one retry
2 = 2 retries
3 = 3 retries