 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO
THIRDPARTYDEN ASCII Decimal 0 1 Value of default third party density.
ENAGRANULARITY ASCII Binary 1 1 Enables granularity field in READ BLOCK
LIMITS command.
ENASCSIFILTER ASCII Binary 1 1 Enables SCSI filter on SCSI chip.
ENAREQACKACTNEG ASCII Binary 1 1 Enables active negation on REQ and ACK
SETEOMATBOM ASCII Binary 0 1 Sets EOM field in byte 2 of Request
Sense data when encountering BOM
SETEOMATEW ASCII Binary 0 1 Sets EOM field in byte 2 of Request
Sense data when encountering Early
Warning end of media for all operations
REPUAONSEQUNLD ASCII Binary 0 1 When set, the drive reports a Not Ready
to Ready Transition Unit Attention when
an autoloader loads the next cartridge
DISDEFERCLNRPT ASCII Binary 0 1 When set, a cleaning report is sent over
the library port as soon as the cleaning
light illuminates. If this parameter = 0, then
the report is sent only at unload.
ENASCSIUNLONPMR ASCII Binary 0 1 When set, enables a SCSI Unload when a
previous Prevent Media Removal
command is in effect
MAXBURSTSIZE ASCII Binary 0080h 2 The value in this field specifies the
maximum amount of data to be
transferred without disconnecting. A value
of 0 sets no limit. This value is given in
512 byte increments. For example, a value
of 8 indicates 4K bytes. Values that are
not multiples of 8 are rounded up to the
nearest multiple of 8. Minimum value of
this field is 0000h, maximum is FFFFh.
SPEEDSETTING ASCII Decimal 3 1 0 = Drive will match host bus speed
1 = Bus Speed Below 5.0 MB/sec
2 = Bus Speed 5.0 6.0 MB/sec
3 = Bus Speed of 6.0 MB/sec or more
TAMRIEDEFAULT ASCII Binary 3 1 The value in this field is the value to be
set in the Tape Alert Mode Page (1Ch)
MRIE parameter. Minimum value is 0;
maximum value is 6.