The BHC feature is provided for use only by a trained service provider.
Issue the RUN BHC TEST command (15h) to the tape drive configured within the
For the results of the BHC test, obtain Tape Data Packet 3 by issuing a SEND
TAPE DATA 3 command (13h). The results of the BHC test are reported in Byte 1
of Tape Data Packet 3.
The BHC test status results possible are:
00h BHC Test Not Run BHC test has not been invoked via the Library
Port since the last time that Tape Data Packet
3 was read. The tape drive within the library
sets this status after each read of the Tape
Data Packet 3 H[FHSW if the BHC test is in
01h BHC Test In Progress This code indicates that the BHC test was
invoked via the Library Port and is currently in
02h BHC Test Pass BHC test has completed successfully; no
trouble found.
03h BHC Test Fails BHC test has failed.
04h Diagnostic Test in Progress This code indicates that a diagnostic test was
in progress when the library controller
attempted to invoke the BHC test. This
prevents the BHC test from running.