7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
Media When this bit = 0, it indicates that the device server will return density
support data blocks for densities supported by the logical unit for DQ\
When this bit = 1, it indicates that the device server will return density
suport data blocks for densities supported by the PRXQWHGPHGLXP.
Length This value in this field specifies the maximum number of bytes that the
device server may return.
The REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT command returns a header followed by one or
more density support data blocks. The data blocks are presented in ascending
numerical order of the primary density code value.
The figure below illustrates the REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT header.
765 4 3210
0 - 1 (MSB) Available Density Support Length (LSB)
2 - 3 Reserved
4 - n Density Support Data Block Descriptors
The following table provides a description of the Available Density Support
Length field; the Density Support Data Block Descriptors field has a separate
illustration and description table.